Transfiguration Sunday Year A — February 19

Transfiguration Sunday
February 19, 2023
“Come Up and Down”

Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 99)
One: Let us praise the great and awesome name of the Holy One.
Many: The Holy One is high on the mountain and exalted among the people.
One: Let us praise the great and awesome name of the Mighty One.
Many: The Mighty God is sovereign, loves justice, and establishes equity..
One: Let us praise the great and awesome name of the Everlasting God.
Many: The Everlasting God hears our cries and answers our call. Praise our God!

Radiant God, we come to you on the mountaintop to experience your glory. You come to us in the valleys. We meet you in gladness in a place where heaven and earth collide. May our worship of you encourage us on the journey and make us aspire to reflect your kindom in the world. Transform us and keep us near to you. Amen.

Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Righteous God, we find ourselves wanting to retreat from the harsh realities of life. We can find ourselves lifted to high places and forget those we have left behind. Our concern for our neighbor too often dissipates at the point of our discomfort. Forgive us for wanting to dwell in your presence without being transformed with new energy for the work of your ministry. Amen.

Words of Grace
Just as Jesus gifted his disciples with a moment of respite and awe, it is good for us to transcendent movements in the presence of God. When we too often choose to linger there rather than enter into hard or even mundane places, God does not condemn us. With grace and compassion, Jesus encourages us in the direction we should go.

Invitation to Generosity
Jesus comes down to us as a gift of presence, compassion, and companionship. His entire life is a demonstration of committed generosity and stewardship. We too are called to present our lives as a gift to the God who has created us and the world that needs what we have to offer in time, talent, and treasure. Let us reveal the glory of God by the giving of our good gifts.

Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Generous God, may these gifts bring you glory and honor and meet the needs of your people. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

May the shining radiance of God warm you.
May the dazzling splendor of God surprise you.
And the glory of God transform you.
May you come up to the mountaintop.
May you remember the experience with wonder and awe.
And may you come down renewed and empowered
For the glory of God and the hope of the world.

Come Up and Down: Service Prayers for Transfiguration Sunday was written by The Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology, United Church of Christ.