Living Psalm 36:5-10 – Epiphany 2C

Living Psalms Book
Psalms in the form of words and art, reborn in the specific contexts of our world, privileging the voices of historically marginalized communities and those acting in solidarity with them.
The fountain of life, a gift of love overflowing
a well-spring of joy promised to all
an abundance reflecting God’s constant love
an everlasting stream of God’s limitless faithfulness.
God’s righteousness abounds
overcoming the failings of humanity
transcending the fragility of human brokenness
asking persistently and urgently:
What are we doing for others?*
Your love is precious, Holy God
we have decided to stick with love*
you cast before us infinite possibilities and hope
overwhelming our listlessness and apathy
motivating us to march and protest
as the ancestors who came before us.
Your love extends beyond the bounds of racial injustices
far beyond the barriers created by discrimination and strife
we cry with our hearts overburdened and broken
we cannot be silent after what we have seen
we choose love
knowing hate is too great a burden to bear.*
Your righteousness overcomes the lightlessness of hatred
bringing the light of justice, freedom and equality
your judgement goes before us opening the way
to new life, new policies, and new opportunities
saving the downtrodden and oppressed.
- Alludes to quotations from Martin Luther King, Jr.
Living Psalm for the Second Sunday of Epiphany Year C: Psalm 36:5-10 was written by Karen Georgia Thompson.
Living Psalms Book is created by UCC Witness & Worship Artists’ Group, a Network of UCC connected artists, activists and ministers bridging the worship and liturgy of the local church with witness and action in the community. Maren Tirabassi, editor
Logo is detail from Living Psalm 80 by Sophia Beardemphl, Redwoods, CA. Recovering from significant bullying, Sophia, age nine, read Psalm 80 and thought of brokenness that needs mending. She drew this broken and mended bowl.
© Copyright 2022 Karen Georgia Thompson. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt this material for use in services of worship or church education. All publishing rights reserved.