Living Psalm 138 – Epiphany 5C
Living Psalms Book
Psalms in the form of words and art, reborn in the specific contexts of our world, privileging the voices of historically marginalized communities and those acting in solidarity with them.
Living Psalm 138: Epiphany 5 C
Oh thank God with the whole of my everything;
Before even what everyone else considers sacred (consumerismtechnologicalworshipindividuality),
I lift gratitude.
I am humble before the divine; thanking all that is holy
for love without cost and faithfulness without measure;
For the name of the sacred is intersectional above all else (racismclassismwhitesupremecyqueererasuresingleissuemovements).
On the day of panic, I called you, and you answered me.
You gave me resilience in the bullshit.
All the power that is in the earth will bend towards compassion in you, Oh, God…
For they have experienced your love.
They shall singdancetastemovecryoutplay in your ways;
for your grace and glory is forever.
(And; thing is, though the divine’s power is great, her heart is with those who struggle.
She holds far away those unaware of their own privilege.)
Though I walk in the midst of the mess, She preserves me against the forces of evil (indifferenceintolerancehatestagnantgrowth),
She stretches out her hand and delivers me.
The LORD will fulfill her purpose for me;
your steadfast love, OH LORD, endures forever.
Living Psalm 138, was written by Chris Davies, Team Leader: Faith INFO, Justice and Local Church Ministries UCC
Living Psalms Book is created by UCC Witness & Worship Artists’ Group, a Network of UCC connected artists, activists and ministers bridging the worship and liturgy of the local church with witness and action in the community.
Logo is detail from Living Psalm 80 by Sophia Beardemphl, Redwoods, CA. Recovering from significant bullying, Sophia, age nine, read Psalm 80 and thought of brokenness that needs mending. She drew this broken and mended bowl.
© Copyright 2018 Faith INFO Team, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt this material for use in services of worship or church education. All publishing rights reserved.