Interfaith Day of Prayer – Prayer from Ruby Sales


Prayer from Ruby Sales


Interfaith Day of Prayer

May 7, 2020



SpiritGod, I humbly come to you on bended knees at your altar of perpetual grace and mercy with the petitions of your people in my heart. I come bowed low before you and only you, recognizing that you are the first and only creator and master of the universe and all that is in it. Only you control our sitting down and getting up. To you and only you I pledge my allegiance and obedience.


I come to you today with a grieving heart because all around our nation and the globe your people are suffering and dying from this plague that comes like a thief in the night robbing us of our friends, neighbors and families. Especially now, SpiritGod, we thank you for the breath of life that still exists in this cloudy season. Please hold us through this shadow of death and lead us to the pastures of resilience and the still waters of your loving mercy and healing grace. We petition you, SpiritGod, not only for ourselves and our loved ones, but ask that you especially and tenderly touch our sisters and brothers who are locked up and turned out without the resources or power to heed the demands of this season of suffering.


SpiritGod, in your mercy “listen to your lambs who are crying” out from the whelps of systemic indifference and the brazen idolatry of men who believe that they possess the life giving power of God. Their blows are relentless and debilitating especially in this season of sorrow and desolation. We humbly ask you to let them know that you are SpiritGod. Without presuming to tell you how to do your work, we humbly ask you to send a deep wind that unsettles their hearts in ways that either change them or make them move on and out of our lives.


SpiritGod, we recognize that in our weaknesses and our desire for security and things we have become an idolatrous people who bow down and worship before the altar of the experts of materialism, human disposability and cruelty. Instead of being stewards of your creation, we have become hungry warriors of death who plunder and kill the earth and all of your beings in it.


SpiritGod, forgive us for our transgressions and violations against you, each other and all aspects of your creation.


SpiritGod, we stand in need of your healing spirit. Touch our hearts, and in the place of greed that makes us gobble up everything for ourselves, replace it with compassion and generosity. Where there is selfishness that moves us to indulge in risky and unsafe behavior that threatens the safety and lives of others, fill us with caring and concern for ourselves and others.


SpiritGod, there is a malaise and restlessness everywhere in this land. We ask that you soothe our spirits and endow us with a pragmatic peace that makes us calm but not passive. SpiritGod, we do not know the time or hour that you will beckon us to the riverside to ride that big wave to eternity. When my time comes, take my hand and gently lead me home. SpiritGod, in your mercy hear my prayer!




Ruby Sales

Human-rights activist, public theologian, social critic, former student freedom fighter  with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and Founder & Director of the SpiritHouse Project, Atlanta.