Resources for Domestic Violence Survivors and Service Providers


How COVID-19 May Impact People Who Are Survivors of Domestic Abuse

  • Stress may increase instances of physical and emotional violence during isolation
  • Shelter in place restrictions may make getting away from an abuser safely even more difficult
  • Abusers may withhold necessary items, such as disinfectants or insurance cards 
  • Escape plans of survivors may be impacted by travel restrictions
  • Shelters may be full or have stopped intakes during this time

Tips for Domestic Violence Survivors and Those Who Love Them

  • Create a safety plan
    resources: ”Path to Safety“ and “Interactive guide to safety planning
  • Because shelter availability may be limited right now, consider if there are family and friends with whom you can stay, or if you can take shelter in a hotel or in your vehicle.
  • Let trusted friends and family members know of your situation.
  • Decide on several credible reasons you may need to leave your home during the day or at night.
  • Identify the most safe places in your home (no weapons and a way to escape).
  • Teach your children how to get help and to not interfere in violence between you and your partner.
  • Practice self-care as much as possible.
    For ideas see: “The Importance of Self-Care”.
  • Stick to your routines as much as possible.
  • Stay connected to friends and family via phone or online if you are able.

Pastoral Considerations with Domestic Violence Survivors

  • Familiarize yourself with local, state and national resources for survivors, and know whether or not shelters in your area are open at this time
  • Use non-stigmatizing language when talking about people who have been abused (“survivor” instead of “victim” and “person living with an abuser” instead of “abused woman/child/person”).
  • Include explicit mention of survivors of domestic violence in your prayers.
  • Check in regularly on those for whom you are concerned. This can be a lifeline to safety and sanity for many who are sheltering in place with an abusive person.
  • Care for yourself.  Providing spiritual care for folks in these situations can be stressful, especially when regularly available resources are limited or closed.

Resources for Survivors of Domestic Abuse