Epiphany 2A — January 22

Third Sunday after Epiphany
January 22, 2023
“Recognize Greatness”

Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 27:1, 4-9)
One: Our ever-present God dwells in the sanctuary and in homes, in public spaces and our interior lives.
Many: Behold the greatness of the Holy One in the expansiveness of these sacred spaces.
One: We seek God’s face on Sunday mornings and evenings…and throughout the week.
Many: Live in the presence of the Holy One all the days of our lives.
One: We call out for God’s grace, strength, and guidance.
Many: Seek the face of the Holy One. Recognize God’s greatness.

Great God, we acknowledge your presence among us and the ways you connect us as a community. Make us receptive to your voice and instruments of your love in the world. Thrill us with your majesty and inspire us with your humility. We rejoice in this gathering as we bless your Holy Name in the assembly, gathered across time and space as your people. We seek you. We’re grateful to find you. Amen.

Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Sovereign God, how often do we turn toward ourselves or others for validation, salvation, and deliverance rather than seek your wisdom, will, and way? How often have we sought our own measure of greatness apart from the realm of your kindom? How long have you waited for us to seek you? Forgive us, O God, and call us back to your presence, plan, and purpose. .

Words of Grace
The One who creates us in the divine image knows how tempted we may be to consider ourselves more highly than we ought or more lowly than we should. The One who knows us continually reaches toward us with the promise of grace and the hope of mercy, faithfulness, and love. Receive God’s forgiveness and restorative embrace.

Invitation to Generosity
When Jesus calls his disciples, he promises to transform the gifts they already possess to be used for the glory and kindom of God. Let us offer our resources in following Jesus. .

Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Great God, receive our gifts of ourselves and our resources for the benefit and building of the kindom. Amen..

Recognize the greatness within and around you. Follow Jesus out into the world to spread the radiance of Christ, to proclaim the good news, and to be instruments of healing and wholeness,

Recognize Greatness: Service Prayers for the Third Sunday after Epiphany was written by The Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology, United Church of Christ.