Easter 4A – April 30

The Fourth Sunday of Easter | Good Shepherd Sunday
Pacific Islander and Asian American Ministries Sunday
April 30, 2023
John 10:1-10 | “By the Gate”
Prayer of Confession and Assurance
LEADER: God’s love for the world has been revealed in Jesus Christ, who certainly loved us to the uttermost; Jesus – Savior and Lord – who at His last meal with his disciples gave them – and us – that new commandment: “…love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
LEADER: Merciful God, we have not loved you with all our heart and mind and soul. (silence) Lord, have mercy.
PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy
LEADER: We have not loved our neighbors as you have taught us. (silence). Christ, have mercy.
PEOPLE: Christ, have mercy.
LEADER: We are indifferent to the saving grace of your Word and life.
(silence) Lord, have mercy.
PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy.
LEADER: Forgive and heal us by your steadfast love made known to us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
LEADER: Jesus said: “I came not to judge the world, but to save the world” and “having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.” The good news therefore is this: In Jesus Christ, we are loved and we are, forgiven.
PEOPLE: Thanks be to God.
Pastoral Prayer
Pule O Ke Kahuhipa (Prayer of the Shepherd)
E Haku, e lilo au he limahana o Kou Maluhia,
Lord, make me a laborer of your peace
I kahi e noho ai ka manaʻo ʻino., e ławę au i ke aloha
Where there is hatred, I may bring love,
I kahi e noho ai ka ʻeha, e lawe au i ke kalana
Where there is injury, I may bring forgiveness,
I kahi e noho ai ka hihia, e lawe au i ka lōkahi
Where there is discord, I may bring harmony,
I kahi e noho ai ka hewa, e lawe au i ka ʻoiaʻiʻo
Where there is error, I may bring truth,
I kahi e noho ai ke kānalua, e lawe au i ka paulele
Where there is doubt, I may bring faith,
I kahi e noho ai ka ʻōnea, e lawe au i ka manaʻolana
Where there is despair, I may bring hope,
I kahi e noho ai ke pōʻeleʻele, e lawe au i ka mālamalama
Where there is darkness, I may bring light
I kahi e noho ai ke kaumaha, e lawe au i ka ʻoliʻoli
And where there is sadness, I may bring joy.
E ka Haku Lani, ‘a‘ole au e ‘imi
We give you thanks and pray for the Pacific Islander and Asian American Ministries of our United Church of Christ. Give all our churches courage and the grace to hear these voices and stories, to make new connections, to help teach us to practice right relationship based on respect, sovereignty, self-determination and religious freedom of all indigenous peoples within our church and global community. Help us to welcome everyone to your table that goodness and mercy might follow us all the days of our lives.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
I ka ho‘onā ‘ia mai, akā, e ho‘onā aku
to be consoled as to console;
I ka ho‘omaopopo ‘ia mai, akā, e ho‘omaopopo aku
to be understood as to understand;
I ke aloha ʻia mai, akā, e aloha aku
to be loved as to love.
No ka mea
Ma ka hā‘awi ‘ana aku e loa‘a mai iā mākou
it is in giving that we receive;
Ma ke kalana aku e kala ‘ia mai mākou
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
Ma ka hala ‘ana aku e ola mau loa mākou
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Call to Offering
Lord, how can we remember all your creation in this offering?
You have given us Your grace and love.
You have given us ʻOhana (families) and Hoaloha (friends.)
You have given us this Church.
Accept at this time, our lūlū (offering) of love.
You give us the warmth of summer,
You give us the colors of autumn,
You give us the chill of winter,
You give us the new life and growth of springtime,
with the reminder of new life in Christ.
Ke Akua, Lord of heaven and earth,
accept now, our makana (gifts) and our lives
that the world and all people may praise Your name.
ʻĀmene. (Amen.)
Prayer of Dedication
E Ka Makualani, our heavenly God, all we have is because of you. May the gifts we give this day become a blessing for Your church, Your community, Your state, Your nation, Your world, empowering us to do the work to which You call us. May our faithful giving be used wisely with each one’s gift cherished and each oneʻs needs met. Continue to gather us at Your table which is not limited to our one church, but moves and breathes across varied worship spaces and places, across diverse cultures. May these gifts strengthen the bodies and nourish the spirits to bring glory to You.
Ma ka inoa Iesū hiwahiwa (In Jesusʻ precious name)
ʻĀmene (Amen)
Benediction (Ephesians 5:1-2)
1 No ia hoʻi, e hahai ʻoukou i ke Akua, e like me nā keiki punahele;
2 E haele hoʻi ʻoukou me ke aloha, e like me kā Kristo i aloha mai ai iā kākou, a hāʻawi hoʻi iā ia iho no kākou, i ʻālana a me ka mōhai i ke Akua, i mea ʻala ʻoluʻolu.
1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
By the Gate: Service Prayers for the Fourth Sunday of Easter/Pacific Islander and Asian American Ministries (PAAM) Sunday was written by the Rev. Kenneth Makuakāne, Senior Pastor of historic Kawaiaha‘o Church, UCC in Honolulu, Hawaii. A prolific songwriter, Kenneth’s compositions have been recorded by local artists, as well as international artists and he has received a total of 21 Nā Hōkū Hanohano Awards, the Hawaii equivalent of the Grammy Awards.
Recommended PAAM Sunday Sermon: mp4 Kahu Wendell Davis
A 15-minute reflection on Psalm 23:1 by Papa Makua of the Association of Hawaiian Evangelical Churches (AHEC), Hawaii Conference UCC. As a “Christian Hawaiian” growing up in a Hawaiian Christian family, Rev. Davis preaches on “The Lord is my Shepherd” using contemporary and traditional imagery from Hawaiian and other cultures. Includes benediction in Hawaiian language.
Music Suggestions from Rev. Mitchell Young
Iesu No Ke Kahuhipa TNCH 252*
You’re Welcome Here! (with Hawaiian Chorus)
My Shepherd Is the Living God TNCH 247
God Is My Shepherd TNCH 479
Lei Mekia Sing! 64
*Iesu No Ke Kahuhipa (Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us, TNCH 252) verse 1 lyrics
An English translation:
Jesus is the shepherd, a good shepherd
We are the flock (ohana of God),
listening and following
Love, love, lead and care for us
Love, love, lead and care for us.
kahu (guardian, keeper). Also an informal title often used for pastors in Hawaii.
hipa (sheep)
maikaʻi (good). Hula teachers often use this word to tell their students “Good job!”
ohana (family)
aloha (love). Also used as greeting in Hawaii.
hanai (raise, care, feed). Also used to describe adoptive and foster relationships.
You’re Welcome Here! with Hawaiian Chorus MPCC/E. Mitsueda/K. Makuakāne
No matter who you are;
No matter where you are on life’s journey,
You’re welcome here.
Since God has welcomed us,
We also welcome you with open hearts.
You’re welcome here!
Mabuhay! Irasshai! E komo mai! Welcome!
Bienvenidos! Talofa! Aloha! Welcome! Welcome!
E nā hoa hele loa Dear friends who travel far
A me nā hoa o kēia ‘āina And those who are of this place
Aloha mai Greetings
Na ke Akua nō It was God
I ho‘ākoakoa iā kākou Who gathered us all together
Aloha mai Greetings
You may speak diff’rent words or cherish diff’rent thoughts.
One thing I know: this is where you belong.
No matter who you are;
No matter where you are on life’s journey,
You’re welcome here.
Na ke Akua nō It was God
I ho‘ākoakoa iā kākou Who gathered us all together
Aloha mai Greetings
You’re welcome here!
Aloha mai
You’re Welcome Here! with guitar chords MPCC/E. Mitsueda
No matter who you are;
Dmaj7 F#m E
No matter where you are on life’s journey,
Amaj7 Dmaj7 E
You’re welcome here.
Since God has welcomed us,
Dmaj7 F#m E
We also welcome you with open hearts.
You’re welcome here!
Dmaj7 Amaj7
Mabuhay! Irasshai! E komo mai! Welcome!
Dmaj7 Amaj7 E
Bienvenidos! Talofa! Aloha! Welcome! Welcome!
Dmaj7 Amaj7
You may speak diff’rent words or cherish diff’rent thoughts.
F#m E
One thing I know: this is where you belong.
Dmaj7 Amaj7 Dmaj7 Amaj7
You’re welcome here! You’re welcome here!
[Mabuhay = hello/welcome, Tagalog; Irasshai = welcome (to our establishment), Japanese; E komo mai = welcome, Hawaiian; Bienvenidos = welcome, Spanish; Talofa = hello, Samoan; Aloha = hello/love, Hawaiian]
Hear the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBSeEjhRC_U (Eileen Mitsueda)
Hear the version recorded by Lucia Marco for Woodland Hills Community Church: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl0R_EkSXcY
Hear the song with Hawaiian chorus: Kahu Kenneth Makuakāne.
Request mp3 from mpccucc@yahoo.com or view from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suZ7jEl2-14&t=2408s starting at 18:10
Images found within the RTF file:
- Artwork for slides
- Border strip
- A PAAM Sea Honu (Sea Turtle)
- Title Slide