Easter 4 – May 8, 2022

Believe God
Fourth Sunday of Easter
May 8, 2022
One: We gather once more as a great multitude
From various peoples and places, we’ve come
All: Blessing and glory, wisdom and thanksgiving
Honor and power be to our God
One: We gather once more to shout “Alleluia!”
Salvation belongs to the Holy One.
All: Blessing and glory, wisdom and thanksgiving
Honor and power be to our God
One: We gather to worship day and night
The one who guides us to the springs of life.
All: Blessing and glory, wisdom and thanksgiving
Honor and power be to our God
- Revelation 7:9-16
God, our shepherd—Restorer of our souls—
The one who calls us to nap in green pastures—
We enter into this moment of worshipful gathering
trusting that you will guide us along the paths of righteousness.
Wherever we may be in this world, let us know the comforting presence of
your rod and staff. We are expectant, O God, that our fears will fade,
that our cups will overflow, and that your goodness and mercy will accompany us
in this hour and beyond. Now, let us worship you in spirit and in truth.
- Psalm 23
Leader: God, as you call us more intentionally into the fullness of life that abounds in your presence, Let us acknowledge the ways our unbelief has separated us from your vision for our lives and all creation.
Moment of silence
All: God, we confess that we often let hopelessness have too much power over our lives.
In the face of crisis, our faith has frequently faltered.
In the midst of calamity, our fearlessness has faded.
In the presence of tribulation, our worry has weakened our ability to act justly.
Help our unbelief, O God!
Bring us back to you, Great Redeemer.
Remind us of the unfailing treasure that is in your love and care for all of creation—
For your grace is sufficient, from the valley of death to the tables you’ve prepared for us.
Embolden us, again, and revive our spirits.
Leader: Friends, hear the Good News: God believes in us even when our belief in God is challenged. God’s grace and mercy abounds, and in God and Christ, we are forgiven. Amen.
We believe in the God of justice and righteousness, and God believes in us to carry forth the mission of loving and caring for community. Let us now share our gifts and resources so that we may continue to walk humbly with God and with neighbors.
We dedicate these gifts that have been shared for the fortification of the beloved community. Let these gifts do justice in the world. Let them be a sign of our belief in the God who saves, heals, and sets free. Let these gifts, and the works of hour hands and feet, be a blessing to all in need.
Let us go forth knowing that we are led by God, that we are sheltered by God, that God never leaves nor forsakes us even in the bleakest valley. In God, may we hunger and thirst no more, and may a peace that surpasses all understanding abide with us, now and forever more. Amen.
My Shepherd is the Living God New Century Hymnal #247
We Offer Praise Rodney Bryant
There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy New Century Hymnal #23
Believe God Service Prayers for the Fourth Sunday of Easter was written by Rev. Mia M. McClain, Associate Minister at Myers Park Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC and a member of the Southern Conference UCC.