After Pentecost 25B – November 10

Sunday, November 10, 2024
Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Mark 12:38-44 | “Abundance and Poverty”
Call to Worship (Inspired by Psalm 146)
One: From generation to generation, the Holy One has loved justice and righteousness, lifted the broken and bowed, and opened possibilities for the dejected.
Many: Help, hope, and happiness are of the Holy One, who reigns forever. Trust the Holy One!
One: When the power brokers, corrupt systems, and tools of violence have failed us, the Holy One has remained faithful to abiding love and abundant liberation.
Many: Help, hope, and happiness are of the Holy One, who reigns forever. Follow the Holy One!
One: Praise the Holy One with song and dance, in spirit and in truth, for God’s glory and for life abundantly!
Many: Help, hope, and happiness are of the Holy One, who reigns forever. Praise the Holy One!
Living God, we offer you praise in your presence. We give you thanks for life in this community. Some come seeking. Others come assured. Some have questions. Others simply want company. Whatever our reasons for gathering, may they all lead us to an encounter with you, your grace, and your way. Infuse us with your power, forged in love, so that we might be encouraged and respond as agents of your kindom on earth. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
God of mercy and possibilities, forgive us for clinging to the measures of success and security in our world rather than trusting in the abundance of your creation. Help us to recognize the kindom coming and our role as participants in your realm. Liberate us from the bonds of consumerism, scarcity, and self-centeredness, and make us vessels of your love come alive in the world. Amen.
Words of Grace
Beloved, you are inheritors of the kindom of God. You receive riches beyond compare. The Holy One journeys with you and enables you to grow in grace, peace, and contentment.
Invitation to Generosity
In the Creator, there is no lack of any good thing. When we consider our resources as part of God’s abundance, we nurture generosity within us. Let us give to support the mutual needs of our faith community, the expansion of ministry, and the benefit of the world that God so loves.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
God of generosity and giver of gifts, receive our offerings as a reflection of our gratitude and trust in your sovereignty. Like the widow and Elijah, may the jars that sustain us never empty and never fail. May we witness the miracle of your provision through our generosity and for your glory. Amen.
When the needs of the world compel you,
May the blessings of God assure you,
May the abundance of God inspire you, and
May the goodness of God embolden you
To resist the systems of scarcity and
To embrace a life of generosity, compassion, and mutuality
In the presence of Creator’s abundance. Amen.
Abundance and Poverty: Service Prayers for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Year B was written by the Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay who serves as Minister for Worship and Theology for the United Church of Christ.