After Pentecost 19B – September 29

Sunday, September 29, 2024
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Mark 9:38-50 | “Belonging”
Call to Worship (Inspired by Psalm 19)
One: Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable to you,Holy One, our rock and redeemer.
Many: For we seek your presence, the company of this community, and the renewal of our minds and spirits.
One: Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable to you,Holy One, our rock and redeemer.
Many: For you impart wisdom, inspire joy, and instill hope as we reflect on the past, live in the present, and consider the future.
One: Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable to you,Holy One, our rock and redeemer.
Many: For wherever we gather in your name, we find holy ground; whenever we call you, we find a fresh encounter; however we know you, we find belonging. Praise God!
Triune God, make us one as you are one. As we enter worship, may our harmony extend beyond our songs. May our distinctiveness be welcomed, our identities be celebrated, and our differences be a source of delight. May your church serve as a beacon for belonging and demonstrate the beloved community of the kindom in your name this day and everyday. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Righteous God, we acknowledge the need for repentance and repair. We have confused seeking the common good with controlling our neighbor. We have conflated unity with uniformity. We have cosigned on societal norms that divide, segregate, and exclude rather than becoming agents of cultural change to bridge, welcome, and belong. Transform our hearts and stir our souls. Foster a spirit of curiosity, hospitality, and reconciliation to make things right with our neighbors, foes, and friends.Lead us on the path of belonging. Amen.
Words of Grace
Wonderfully and fearfully made humans, you are not bound by the pressures of culture or the attitudes of your past. Even our embedded biases may be broken, our isolationist tendencies shattered, and our fearful reactions unlearned. You belong to the kindom and the kindom belongs to you. Press forward with the grace to transform and create a world reflecting the reign of God, with peace, justice, and righteousness for all.
Invitation to Generosity
James 5:16b reminds us that, “The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” May we offer our gifts as a prayer of trust that God provides, a prayer of resistance that declares that creation’s abundance and sufficiency, and a prayer of hope that needs can be met. We pray with our mouths, our hearts, and our spirits. Let us also pray with our time, our talents, and our treasures.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Creating God, thank you for hearing our prayer, receiving these gifts, and making them holy for your kindom. Bless and honor every gift, enlarge our territory, and renew the resources as a demonstration of generosity and flourishing in your realm. Amen.
May the love of God uphold you as your love of neighbor compels you.
May the peace of Christ sustain you as the work of peace inspires you.
May the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit direct you as the call to community beckon you.
Go, in the assurance of belonging to God and one another in hope and joy. Amen.
Belonging: Service Prayers for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Year B was written by the Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay who serves as Minister for Worship and Theology for the United Church of Christ.