Advent Candle-lighting: Christmas

Advent in The United Church of Canada and

The United Church of Christ

Advent Year C, 2021

O Come, Advent: Candle-Lighting Ritual

You are invited to play with these liturgies in a way that works within your congregation’s setting: with multiple voices, scripture sentences, using the question at the end to invite testimony.  Each week begins with a video of new lyrics to a traditional Advent hymn. Each week builds on the previous weeks, until all four stanzas and refrain are reprised at Christmas.

Christmas: Awe

O Come, Advent: all verses

O come and be the hope in all our lives

Though chaos and confusion still survive

We know the path of hate all too well

We need our God with us, Emmanuel!

Rejoice, rejoice!

Emmanuel shall come to us

And all things shall be well

O come and bring your peace upon the earth

That even now still longs for its rebirth

We seek to live and move in your ways

Guide us to peace and justice all our days

Rejoice, rejoice!

Emmanuel shall come to us

And all things shall be well

O come to us like joy of heaven’s dawn,

From Mary’s womb a faithful paragon

Brought forth into this world by love’s power

Your Spirit through her labors in that hour

Rejoice, rejoice!

Emmanuel shall come to us

And all things shall be well

O come you source of Love unto us all

Enlighten us and help us hear your call

To bear your Love out into the wild

And celebrate God’s wondrous holy child!

Rejoice, rejoice!

Emmanuel shall come to us

And all things shall be well

Rejoice, rejoice!

Emmanuel has come to us

And all things shall be well

Candle Lighting Ritual (Luke 2:1-20)

When the world seems predictable

Stuck in patterns of injustice and hurt

The Holy astonishes us with good news

And we find Awe

(Light Christ Candle)

Where in the world do we know Awe these days? (Invite Congregation to reflect aloud)

Advent in The United Church of Canada and The United Church of Christ: Candle-lighting Ritual for Advent 2021, ©2021 United Church of Canada and United Church of Christ. Permission given to churches to reproduce or adapt in services of worship or church education.  All publishing rights reserved.

O Come, Advent, lyrics and arrangement by Adrian Marchuk.  © 2021 United Church of Canada; tune VENI EMMANUEL, Public Domain.  Permission given churches to reproduce and stream for worship or education purposes. All publishing rights reserved.

Christmas text