Advent 3C–December 12

The Well of Salvation

Service Prayers for the Third Sunday of Advent

December 12, 2021


Gathering one! Embracing one!

Gentle one! Emblazoned one!

Winnowing one! Restorative one!

The one who has come! The one who will come!

The one who bears the image of those who bear God’s.

Worthy are you, mysterious one!


God, we come before you humbled and distraught.

John, your prophet, said it clearly and plainly:

“Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none;

and whoever has food must do likewise.”

We are awash in excessive belongings–

And we only part with that which no longer suits us.

We feel too deserving of our luxuries,

And only give our scraps to the poor.

We cannot stop.  Help us, compassionate one.


Know this well, “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”

God will save one and all from their oppressors,

even from the oppressive greed and anxiety that lives inside of them

and separates them from the community’s need.

Sing praises! God has done gloriously!


God calls us to create a community which welcomes all:

To care for the infirm, to  heal the shame of the outcast,

To create a welcome for all.

Let these gifts we offer begin this process of reconciliation!


Take these gifts, and gather us back together, O God,

we who have separated ourselves

from our neighbors

from our higher selves

and from your expansive Love.

Reunite us with our calling. Amen.


Gathering one! Embracing one!

The one-who-bears-the-image-of-those-who-bear-God’s.

Open our hearts to find you in community,

In the hopeful, peaceful, joyful work of your people.

The Well of Salvation: Service Prayers for the Third Sunday of Advent C was written by Stephanie Dorsey, chaplain resident at York Hospital in York, PA

Copyright 2021 Faith INFO Team, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH  44115-1100.  Permission granted to reproduce or adapt this material for use in services of worship or church education.  All publishing rights reserved.

Advent 3 C–December 12