
UCC New Church Development Basic Planting Check List

A Guidebook for Planting New Congregations

A Guidebook for Planting New Congregations in the United Church of Christ.
God is Still Speaking through new churches in the United Church of Christ today.

The Guidebook may be downloaded here –

Complete Guidebook [PDF]     
64 pages (301k)

The Guidebook is a tool for:

United Church of Christ Conferences and Associations.
Committees on New Church Development.
New Church Pastors.
Potential New Church Planters
Core Group Members of a New Church Initiative.
Seminaries teaching about Evangelism and New Church Development.
Ecumenical Partners planting churches with the United Church of Christ.
And more . . .

We celebrate this new resource in the United Church of Christ! It is so timely to the The Stillspeaking Initiative. In December 2004 and January 2005, the Evangelism Ministry Team responded to the more than 320 email questions that came from the Find a Church Website.

41% of the emails came from people who could not find a church or had a question about a church in their neighborhood.

50% of those emails turned into “there is no church” in this community (21% of the total emails)

3% of the emails expressed interest in starting a new church!

The Stillspeaking Initiative has not only given great witness to a message of hope and extravagant welcome in the name of Jesus. It has given an invaluable visibility to the United Church of Christ, and it is also giving us invaluable information about the location and demand for new church development. The challenge before us is to begin communities of the still speaking God where there are none. What perfect timing for this resource and guidebook in that journey!

Use it! Order more copies for your people at United Church Press
Look for additional updates as new chapters are written.

Also Coming Soon … Church Renewal Workbook!