Outdoor Ministries

Pilgrim Heights Camp & Retreat Center, UCC (Montour, IA)

Mission:  Outdoor ministry and retreat opportunities for children in summer camp programs as well as for people of all ages in an adult and family retreat programs throughout the year.  (www.PilgrimHeights.org)

Volunteer Position:  Building/equipment maintenance and grounds staff; kitchen and housekeeping staff; or summer camp counselors, nurse, or chaplain.

Period:  2-12 month placements throughout year; or summer

Apply by:  3 months prior to requested start date

Housing:  Camp Housing

Minimum Age:  19 years

Silver Lake Camp and Conference Center (Sharon, CT)

Mission:  Outdoor ministries site of the Connecticut Conference, UCC.  (http://www.silverlake.ctucc.org/)

Volunteer Position #1: Volunteer Assisstant to Site Manager

Period:  4-6 months; January – June OR september 15 – December 15

Apply by:  3 months prior to requested start date.

Housing:  Camp Housing or other private housing

Minimum Age:  21 years

Volunteer Position #2:  Volunteer Guest Services Assistant

Period:  4-6 months; January – June OR september 15 – December 15

Apply by:  3 months prior to requested start date

Housing:  Camp Housing or other private housing

Minimum Age:  21 years

Slumber Falls Camp and Retreat Center, UCC (New Braunfels, TX)

Mission:  Year-round outdoor ministry setting of the South Central Conference.  During June and July a residential youth camping program operates.  (www.slumberfalls.org)

Volunteer Position:  Volunteers have the opportunity to work in the area of their choice based on their gifts and talents. Areas of service include welcoming and assisting retreat groups, helping in the office, providing data entry, working in our food service department, and assisting our maintenance person. Counselors and resource specialists during summer.

Period:  2-12 months including summer

Apply by:  3 months prior to requested start date

Housing:  year-round facility reserved for volunteer includes heat/ac, private bedroom and bath, plus a nice living area complete with television and a small kitchenette.  Wi-Fi is available throughout most of the camp.  Wi-Fi is available throughout most of the camp.

Minimum Age:  19 years

United Church Camps, Inc. (Ripon and St. Germain, WI)

Mission:  Operates Pilgrim Center and Moon Beach Camp for the Wisconsin Conference.  (http://www.ucci.org/)

Volunteer Position:  Site and grounds maintenance

Period:  2-12 months

Apply by:  3 months prior to requested start date

Housing:  Volunteer housing

Minimum Age:  21 years