Idaho – United Church of Christ
Silver Valley (Idaho) Fuller Center (Silver Valley)
Contact: Stacey Goolsby, US Builders Registrar
701 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Americus, GA 31719
E-Mail: or
Phone: 229.924.2900 or 208-786-6013
The Fuller Center for Housing faith-driven and Christ-centered, promotes collaborative and innovative partnerships with individuals and organizations in an unrelenting quest to provide adequate shelter for all people in need worldwide.
Projects/Focus: Building new and repairing existing homes working with families in need. The exact projects will be determined close to group arrival and based upon the progress of previous accomplishments of our volunteers and available resources.
Educational/Advocacy Components: Each group will receive an orientation about the community they will be serving. This will include a discussion about poverty housing in the area, and the economic benefit of our “hand up-not a handout” approach and how this builds a Fund for Humanity, recycling homeowner payments to serve other people in need in the community. Churches do mission work by empowering the people they serve.
Time: Spring and Summer
Group Size: Up to 10 (or 5 couples)
Work Week: Tuesday – Saturday
Minimum Age: No restrictions – Open for RV Builders
Accommodations: RV hookups (at volunteer’s expense; we partner with local RV owner at reasonable rate)C
Cost: $100-$160 per person
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