Search & Call
The process by which authorized ministers and congregations come together for shared ministry in the name of Jesus Christ and on behalf of the United Church of Christ is entitled “Search and Call.” Search and Call takes considerable time and thoughtfulness, with prayerful attention to both logistical detail and the movement of God’s Spirit. It is expected that authorized ministers and local congregations work closely with Conferences and Associations while engaged in Search and Call.

Any governing body should be sure to use the Call Agreement Workbook, found in print or online.

Search and Call Staff. In support of a congregation in its ministerial search, share the Local Church Profile template, the Guide to Pastoral Search & Call for Congregations, and related resources, such as the Welcoming Diversity Inventory and the “Stretching Beyond: Diversity in the Search and Call Process” videos. Meet with the governing body to help a congregation plan its approach and timeline, and then again with the search committee after it’s formed to equip the search process with tools from the wider church. Conference and Association staff can reference Search and Call Conversations to understand and ground their work. With church leaders, utilize the Snapshot database and Profiles portal, the Call Agreement Workbook, UCC Ministry Opportunities, and their own conference compensation guidelines to connect searching ministers and congregations for shared discernment. With ministers in search and/or serving in temporary positions, staff can recommend the Guide to Pastoral Search & Call for Ministers/Candidates in Search, the Guide for Intentional Interim Ministers, and the Guide for Supply Pastors.
“The gifts Christ gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers,
to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” – Ephesians 4:11-12
to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” – Ephesians 4:11-12