Publications & Resources
Advocacy is hard work!
Luckily, Justice and Witness Ministries has a multitude of resources to help you out. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact JWM at; 216.736.3700. We may be able to locate something you need from one of our many ecumenical advocacy partners. We want you to be equipped for peace and justice work!
Check out our resources below!
- Getting to the Root of It
We’ve asked our staff to help us unpack the complex justice issues that we’re working on. Using our General Synod pronouncements as the basis for these reflections, we hope to provide insights into the issues you care about that are rooted in our shared faith, and can inform your advocacy efforts. - Witness for Justice
Witness for Justice (WFJ) is a weekly editorial opinion column for public distribution which identifies timely or urgent justice issues. WFJ is a theologically based perspective founded on historic commitment to justice and peace of the United Church of Christ. - Podcast for a Just World
Podcast For a Just World invites listeners to engage complex realities grounded in faith and considers what it means to build a just world for all. The weekly podcast includes a regular segment, “reading the story of God in the streets,” reflecting on lectionary readings, weekly news and updates from Justice and Witness Ministries. Weekly guests include artists, activists, ministers and people along the way. PFJW is a podcast of the United Church of Christ.
Stream on Soundcloud or iTunes. - Justice Bible Studies
Public Policy Advocacy Guide
The Public Policy Advocacy Guide provides tips, tools and theological insights for understanding our call to advocacy, engaging in organizing, and getting your message heard by decision makers are included. This is your one-stop tool for engaging in faith-based advocacy!
To request hard copies of this resource contact Helga Mingione at 216-736-3700.
Advocacy Basics
Advocacy Basics
What is advocacy? Why should I care? What difference can I make? Get an overview of the basics and learn how to form your advocacy strategy.
Biblical Foundations for Advocacy
Two central themes run through the Bible concerning justice. The first is God’s all-encompassing love, concern, and mercy for all human beings. The second is our responsibility to love God’s earth and to care for God’s people. Learn more about our biblical call to engage in advocacy and promote the common good.
Capitol Hill Basics
The key to working with your members of Congress is to remember that they owe their position to votes from your district and state. They are in office to represent your views, which means that members of Congress do pay attention to their constituents, and you can have an impact. Learn how.
Does Advocacy Make a Difference?
Yes! It certainly does. Read more about being an effective advocate.
Media Guide
Think of the media as an opportunity to educate people in your community about the issues you care about and experience firsthand. Local media forums, such as newspapers, radio, or TV cable-access programs, reach many people and are very significant in shaping opinions. People learn from and listen to people they know – people from their communities.
Visit our UCC Washington Office
The goal of our UCC Washington office is to make a better world possible by addressing the systemic problems that we face as a country and as part of the world. Hunger, poverty, peace and security, racism, care for the earth. These are among the types of justice issues that we work to improve through federal policies.
Join the Network
The Justice and Peace Action Network (JPANet) is our electronic grassroots advocacy network. It’s composed of individual members and local UCC congregations across the country. The JPANet both educates and engages its members in shaping public policy in keeping with God’s vision of a just and loving society and includes:
- Weekly Legislative Action Alerts:
Brief email synopsis of pending legislation or current justice issues, and a call for action each week. Perfect for taking personal action on the justice issues you care about and suitable for posting in newsletters and bulletins. - Monthly Newsletter:
Includes invitations to regional and national gatherings, resources and opportunities for witness.