DC Based Advocacy

The UCC Washington office works to project the vision of change that is offered by UCC members in the halls of congress. Every two years our members come from across the country to gather for General Synod – to pray, reflect and discern a faithful response to God’s vision through resolutions and pronouncements on the issues facing our world.

It is through the actions of General Synod that we prioritize our advocacy.


Our staff monitor and seek changes in legislation at local, state and federal levels through a variety of coalitions and working groups. Through these coalitions we lobby and send letters to our elected officials advocating for changes if public policy.

While we work hard to represent and promote the views expressed at General Synod on Capitol Hill, it is you – as constituents – who make the best advocates.

How can the DC office help you engage in advocacy?

  • constituency Education and Mobilization – E-Advocacy through the Justice and Peace Action Network, Petitions, Rallys and more

  • Direct Capitol Hill Advocacy – Advocacy training, meetings with government officials and their staff

What is the Justice and Peace Action Network?


The UCC Justice and Peace Action Network is common action arm of the four covenanted ministries of the United Church of Christ that is charged with mobilizing UCC members for concentrated action as issues emerge.


Our vision is a just, compassionate and peaceful world that honors all of God’s creation. In keeping with this vision the JPANet seeks to equip its members through issue education and weekly opportunity for public policy advocacy.  By joining the JPANet you have access to resources that are beneficial to advocates of any experience level. they include:

  • An electronic Public Policy Briefing Book at the beginning of each two year Congressional session as an overview of policy priorities and work in all areas.
  • Weekly electronic actions emailed to your inbox with direct “take action” links to key decision makers.
  • A monthly electronic newsletter with notices about upcoming events, new resources and opportunities for action.

Using these tools you can begin basic advocacy or expend your current work. Our resources make it easy to engage or to engage your congregation in advocacy. Sign up here!

