Young Adult Our Whole Lives
“What a gift to have this much-awaited resource for 18-35 year olds. Our Whole Lives-Sexuality and Our Faith for young adults is such an incredible opportunity. This inclusive, sexuality positive curriculum celebrates our sexuality as the amazing gift—from God—that it is. Through this program, young adults have the delicious chance to participate in exactly what many hunger for—frank, holistic, non-judgmental exploration of contemporary sexual questions, choices and practices and the chance to explore the powerful, zesty and life-giving relationship between sexuality and spirituality. And to do this within the beautiful, guiding framework of progressive Christianity which honors and celebrates our roots—-mutuality, love and justice. This curriculum is a sacred gift. For the taking. Unwrap it!” (Lynn Young, Colorado Springs, CO)
This Young Adult resource helps participants by giving them accurate information, increased knowledge about themselves, and embraces the Our Whole Lives values of self worth, responsibility, sexual health, justice and inclusivity. This new young adult resource will expand valuable ministry to young adults not only in local church settings, but also a colleges and seminaries.
There are 14 sessions in this book. It can be ordered through United Church Resources ($40) by calling: 1.800.537.3394.