Webinar Library
Miss a conversation? Here you can find every recent program we’ve put on! You can use them to learn for yourself, to inspire conversations in your community and congregation, or to share with those whom you know will be interested in the content.
Click a series below to learn more and view upcoming episodes.
OWL Taking Flight: You Know, Sex
We welcome Cory Silverberg to talk about their new book: “You Know, Sex”, as well as the books “What Makes a Baby?” and “Sex is a Funny Word.” Learn about these inclusive resources, their language, illustrations, and why and how they were written.
Cory Silverberg is a sex educator, author, and a queer person who smiles a lot when they talk. White, Jewish, and queer, Cory tries to center justice in their life and work. They have learned (and continue to learn) to do this by centering collaboration, humility, curiosity, and accountability, working across and within the spaces that divide race, gender, embodiment, disability, and identity. (From Cory’s website: www.corysilverberg.com)
December 7, 2022
Amazing Amaze!
OWL Taking Flight: Amazing Amaze!
Dr. Rachael Gibson, Amaze Education Senior Program Manager at Advocates for Youth will join us for a lively conversation about their amazing resources. Join us as we explore the challenges and rewards of providing public-facing sexuality education.
Autism-Inclusive OWL
Join Amy Johnson, Melanie Davis, and OWL trainers Shellie and Ramon Selove to learn how to make OWL programs welcoming and inclusive of neurodiversity.
June 10, 2022
Building an OWL Program From the Ground Up
Join us to hear from UCC and UUA congregations who have successfully implemented OWL in their congregations.
Under Your Wing: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Join us for the debut of a new OWL resource: “Under Your Wing,” a video series for parents and caregivers of young children.
OWL Revisions- Flight Status: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Join us to learn the status of revisions and updates to various levels of OWL, what is out of print and why, and what to do until publication.
Sex Ed Trivia!: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Join us for an interactive time with sex ed trivia!
Online Training Sneak Peek: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Join Rev. Thea Racelis and Dr. Melanie Davis to get the scoop on online OWL facilitator training.
Thea and Melanie were among the five trainers to lead field tests in April and August, and they share challenges and successes. They explain how online training differs from in-person training: the time commitment and requirements of facilitators and Religious and Christian Educators.
This webinar may help you determine whether online or in-person training suit your needs.
Why We Do the Things We Do: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Explore the behind-the-scenes craft of Our Whole Lives design! This “tour,” will help you with scheduling and implementation and provide tools you can use to craft other types of lessons and programs. You’ll learn the rationale behind workshop length, scope, and sequencing; how to use learning goals and objectives to your group’s advantage; and how to tailor OWL to a group’s personalities and needs. You’ll also get the scoop on field testing and keeping current between revisions of the curriculum.
Framing Conversations about Restarting OWL Programs: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Eager to start or re-start your Our Whole Lives program? Join national UCC and UUA OWL staff and guests to explore the value of a “soft reentry,” focusing on safety, community building, and relearning how to be in shared spaces, including considerations for justice and the integrity of OWL.
HIV/AIDS-What We Can Learn from the Framework for Dialogue: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Join UCC and UUA national staff in a conversation about the importance of faith voices in the fight against HIV stigma.
Consensual Non-Monogamy and Faith: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Join us to explore what UCC churches and UU congregations can learn from a Canadian Unitarian Council report on how to be welcoming and inclusive of polyamorous people and families in every aspect of congregational life, recognizing that consensually non-monogamous individuals and families are part of our faith communities as members, friends, clergy, and staff.
Trauma-Informed Sexuality Education: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
In recognition of April as Sexual Trauma Awareness Month, our April webinar will provide recommendations for how to be a trauma-informed sexuality educator. Join us for this important topic.
June 9, 2022
Five Tips For Selecting Fantastic OWL Facilitators: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Join Dr. Melanie Davis, UUA OWL Program Manager, and Rev. Kelly Burd, UCC OWL Trainer and local pastor, for tips about how to choose great OWL facilitators.
What qualities should you be looking for? Who is the best fit for your congregation or organization? Join us to find out!
Parents and Caregivers As Sexuality Educators: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Our webinar featured Robin Slaw, credentialed religious educator and author of “Parents and Caregivers as Sexuality Educators, Small Group Ministry.” This 10-sesson program helps adults explore their roles as the most important sexuality educators their children will have. Robin gave an overview of the program and shared tips for using it online.
The current version has a Unitarian Universalist perspective, and a United Church of Christ adaptation is progress. The program can be adapted for other faith traditions and secular settings. This is a wonderful learning opportunity to all who support adults caring for children.
New Ideas about Intimacy During a Pandemic: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
An engaging conversation with James Wadley, PhD about how to initiate conversations with teens and young adults who court, maintain, and sever relationships using social media (e.g., Tiktok, IG, Snapchat, and Whatsapp). How can you encourage and support healthy relationships based on the OWL values of Self-Worth, Responsibility, Sexual Health, and Justice & Inclusivity?
To End Gender-Based Violence: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
This is the next webinar in our series that helps you connect with Our Whole Lives (OWL) facilitators as well as learn how you can continue to engage the values of the OWL curriculum until it is safe to meet once again.
K-1 Revisions & What To Do While We Wait: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Joining us this time will be Marshall Miller and Dorian Solot, authors of the upcoming OWL K-1 revisions. Get a behind the scenes view of what’s been updated, and practical tips on how to support young children in learning about sexuality, gender, and families, at a time when in-person gatherings are remaining restricted.
Racial Justice: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
How do the OWL values and curriculum intersect with anti-racism?
Join our Taking Flight roundtable when a panel of UCC, UUA, and Community OWL trainers of color discusses how OWL facilitators and trainers can create more intentionally anti-racist learning environments.
Gender and Related Language: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Join OWL Trainers Cindy Lee Alves and Anil Oommen for a discussion of gender and related language. This learning opportunity is for anyone facilitating OWL, coordinating programs, and/or seeking to build knowledge!
June 2, 2022
Restarting Your OWL Program: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Unique challenges and opportunities arise with the restarting an interrupted Our Whole Lives program. Please join us for a sharing of questions, concerns, ideas and recommendations! Designed for OWL facilitators and program coordinators in all settings, religious and secular.
Trauma-Informed Sexuality Education: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
In recognition of April as Sexual Trauma Awareness Month, our April webinar will provide recommendations for how to be a trauma-informed sexuality educator. Join us for this important topic.
April 22, 2021
Five Tips For Selecting Fantastic OWL Facilitators: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Join Dr. Melanie Davis, UUA OWL Program Manager, and Rev. Kelly Burd, UCC OWL Trainer and local pastor, for tips about how to choose great OWL facilitators. What qualities should you be looking for? Who is the best fit for your congregation or organization? Join us to find out! We also fielded some general interest Q/A related to Our Whole Lives and at-home resources.
March 8, 2021
Parents and Caregivers As Sexuality Educators: OWL (Our Whole Lives) Taking Flight
Our webinar featured Robin Slaw, credentialed religious educator and author of “Parents and Caregivers as Sexuality Educators, Small Group Ministry.” This 10-sesson program helps adults explore their roles as the most important sexuality educators their children will have. Robin gave an overview of the program and shared tips for using it online.
The current version has a Unitarian Universalist perspective, and a United Church of Christ adaptation is progress. The program can be adapted for other faith traditions and secular settings. This is a wonderful learning opportunity to all who support adults caring for children.
February 5, 2021

Need more worship resources?
Worship Ways are original liturgies written in English and in Spanish by United Church of Christ pastors, based on readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. Look for Sunday, festival and special UCC worship services, organized by seasons of the Church Year.

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Covid-19 has kept us apart for so long. We miss you too! We look forward to seeing you in person again when we are all safe. Be sure to check out ucc.org/events for those in-person events!