Covenant & Commissioning Service

Adapted from UCC Book of Worship


Introduction: Hear these words of Scripture from John 13: 34
“I give you a new commandment [says Jesus] that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

To those being sent

You are embarking on a great adventure for God.  You will leave your home for awhile to live and serve among others who have need of your presence at this time.  Your life may be changed by the experience.  The lives of those you meet may be changed.

Do you seek to experience God in new ways through this time of service?

Partners: I/We do, with the help of God and one another

Will you listen to the wisdom and experience of those you meet during this time of service?

Partners:     I/We will, with the help of God and one another.
Leader: Do you promise to share your talents, skills and energy, as you are able, serving alongside and with others?
Partners: I/We do, with the help of God and one another.  
Leader –  To the Congregation: Members of this household of faith, you have heard the promises of our brothers and sisters in Christ, who have answered God’s call to service.  Let us affirm our intention to live in covenant with them
People Respond Together: We gather in celebration of the joy that is ours to be partners with you in the service of Jesus Christ.  We promise to love you and keep you in prayer.  We promise to keep in prayer those with whom you will serve, that together we may be a faithful church of Jesus Christ.
Leader – To those being sent: We send you on behalf of this congregation, as well as the wider United Church of Christ, to be disciples of Christ in the place where you will serve – to be “Partners in Service.” Go, to love one another, as Christ has first loved you


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