UCC minister will preach on ‘Day 1’

Day 1 is broadcast on more than 160 participating radio stations. Each program includes a five-minute interview with Bracher, conducted by the program’s executive producer and host Peter Wallace.

Bracher has served as a school chaplain in Missouri and as a pastor in Connecticut, Indiana and California. He is a graduate of UCC-related Elmhurst College in Illinois and UCC-related Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Mo.

Bracher’s preaching series begins with a sermon titled “Faith for All Seasons,” based on Matthew 7: 24-27, the story of the wise man who built his house on a rock. “A faith for all seasons,” Bracher says, “is about the integrity of our beliefs. The integrity of our beliefs emerges from the integrity of our character. And our character, personally and professionally, in public and in private, in worship and in work, is evaluated by the answers we would provide, in all honesty, to this two-part question: Do you exhibit congruence between what you say and what you do, as well as what you say about what you did?”

Formerly known as The Protestant Hour, Day 1 has been broadcast every week for 60 years, winning numerous awards in the process, including the George Foster Peabody Award and the 2003 Crystal Award for Excellence in inspirational radio. It is produced by the Episcopal Media Center in association with the United Church of Christ, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Episcopal Church, United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. A television version is also broadcast Sunday mornings on the Hallmark Channel’s “America at Worship” series.

Churches interested in having the program broadcast in their community can call 888/411-Day-1 for more information.

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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