Tips for Clergy in a Potential Post-Roe America
We saw a glimpse into a future without abortion access with the Politico SCOTUS leak, which inspired questions and commentary about how we can step up collectively as faith leaders yet again to support people who need abortions and reproductive justice. However, sometimes it’s difficult to figure out where you might fit in. With that in mind, here is a list of so many ways, and so many things that all need support and doing. Not one person can do all of them. But between our coalitions and our collective hope for the world, we can all do some of them. Join us in the faith-filled future for abortion access.
- For people who need abortions.
- For abortion providers.
- For clinic escorts, who walk patients through the protestors for their appointments.
- For abortion activists.
Reflect and Learn:
- Learn about the full scope of Reproductive Justice, as taught by Black women. Research Sistersong and New Voices.
- Save this number in your phone as “Find a Clinic – text Hello” 202-883-4620 to share as people need it.
- Know that everyone you know loves someone who has already had an abortion.
- Teach the grandparents that it’s different now, and have a book group on the Handbook for a Post Roe America.
- Learn about the people of faith in this movement, including Dr. George Tiller, who was killed, at church, for his faithful work.
- Learn what your state will do when Roe falls. If you’ll have access, help prepare for incoming patients.
- Recall the work of our faith ancestors, who helped fight for abortion access in the 1960s and 1970s.
- No more back alleys! Self-Managed Abortion is now as simple as pills one might order online.
- Preach Mary as one who made an Informed Choice.
- Support orgs like Faith Choice Ohio in their education of faith workers.
- Follow hashtags on social media: #abortionsolidarity #fundabortion #thankgodforabortion.
- Order your faithful abortion t-shirts: Preorder UCC’s God Loves People who have had an Abortion Shirt, or Faith Choice Ohio’s Store.
- Speak in the third person when considering options people might choose. “People often do this…” “Someone could find more information here…” “A number one might need for a clinic is…”
- Donate to local abortion funds, which help people get access.
- Connect with the people on the ground who are already doing the work. Your local abortion fund may help point you to whom.
- Know that abortion is needed for women and anyone who can get pregnant. Non-binary folks are included in “people who need an abortion.”
- Have a sign-making party at church. The rallies are coming again.
- Preach God’s abundant love for people who have had abortions.
Finally, fit your service and justice work into reproductive justice, explicitly. Sistersong defines Reproductive Justice as the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities.
Pray for our collective future.
Rev. Dr. Chris Davies serves as the Minister and Team Leader for the Faith Education, Innovation and Formation (Faith INFO) ministry team at the national setting of the United Church of Christ. She is also on the board at Preterm, an independent abortion clinic in Cleveland, OH.
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