Faith and Tough Economic Times

Financial Wellness: Congregational and Personal

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Financial Literacy:  360 Degrees of Financial Literacy, recommended by the UCC Pension Boards offers help for all financial stages of life.

Financial Literacy: Financial Security: Managing Money in Tough TimesLearning positive money management techniques can help you and your family adapt to tough economic times.

Financial Fitness: America Saves is a nationwide campaign in which a broad coalition of nonprofit, corporate, and government groups helps individuals and families save and build wealth. Through information, advice, and encouragement, they assist those who wish to pay down debt, build an emergency fund, save for a home, save for an education, or save for retirement.

Support for Seniors:  Benefits Check Up offed by the National Council on Aging includes more than 1,550 public and private benefits programs from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Support for Homeowners: If your congregation has struggling homeowners, let them know about the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s foreclosure prevention site. 

Ohio State University Extension has a web-site where educational materials are available.  More fact sheets about money management can be found here.

Below are some other links you may find helpful:

Job Search:

Job Search Tools:

Learn More – College Degrees and Certifications
Free Career Test – What career is right for you?
Career Advice – Career advice in action!  

(this page contains links to MANY resources)



Receipts are Up

Making Sound Strategic Choices in Anxious Times
Alban Institute Susan Beaumont and Alice Mann offer UCC pastors sound answers to tough questions.(click here)

The Church and Tough Economic Times:
What Should Congregations be Doing?

Anthony B. Robinson
The election is behind us, and the economic challenges? They continue. In fact, it seems likely that they will grow worse before they get better. In view of this, what should congregations and their leaders be doing? Get some answers here!

Religious Giving in Uncertain Times: Insights for Congregations and Faith-based Nonprofits
Prepared by The Lake Institute on Faith & Giving, The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University

Keeping Faith Communities Vital in an Ailing Economy
Rising unemployment, gut-wrenching declines in the stock market and predictions of a recession worse than any since the Great Depression can spell sleepless nights for even the most faithful ministry leaders. (read full article)

From the UCC Writer’s Group


Anthony B. Robinson: I Don’t Deserve This!
You know what they say, “third time’s the charm.” But in this case, it was more curse than charm. It was the third kick that got my attention….

Lillian Daniel: God’s Economy is Not a Roller Coaster
We’ve been riding a roller coaster in the financial world, and it has not been fun.  This is not a roller coaster we stood in line for and got excited about….

Martin B. Copenhaver: Fear or Faith? 
Fear in small doses can be a good thing.  Fear is what told our ancestors to run from predators and spurred them on to go faster than they could have otherwise.  And many of us never would have studied for math tests unless we had been motivated, in part, by fear of what would happen if we did not.  So sometimes, in the short run, fear can prompt us to do the right thing….

Anthony B. Robinson: More of Everything?
“More of Everything” is the slogan for one of the big box retailers in our area. Its trucks roll by with those words emblazoned on the side: “More of Everything.” Suddenly that slogan seems less like glad tidings than it does a haunting, sad chiding….

William C. Green: Looking Forward 
We Americans are known for optimism and positive thinking.  But now many of us are negative—and scared.  Security as we’ve known it is being re-thought by all of us, government and citizens alike….

Donna Schaper: The Blessing of Limits
There is nothing like a good dose of reality to yield a blessing.  Reality is always about limits, but in some centuries we obscure it with ideas about limitless growth and possibility….


More Resources

Other Resources 
(Click here for more tools and articles)

Stewardship Messages Online! In tough times giving can be difficult for people…even people of faith. Use these messages monthly to offer an inspiring, biblically-based reflection in your newsletter, on your bulletin board, your website, or use as an insert in your giving statement or Sunday Bulletin.