Special editions of Digest will track news of online Synod

Readers eager for news from United Church of Christ’s first-ever online General Synod can find it in two ways.

First, articles will appear daily — and many times on most days — at United Church of Christ News. A team of reporters — staff and volunteers — will provide coverage throughout the July 11-18 event.

And, second, that coverage will be packaged into special editions of UCC News Digest. The national e-newsletter usually comes out weekly, on Tuesday. But for Synod, the Digest will hit subscribers’ inboxes more often — around 1 p.m. EDT on these days:

Usually published weekly, the Digest will appear seven times during and right after General Synod.
  • Monday, July 12
  • Tuesday, July 13
  • Friday, July 16
  • Saturday, July 17
  • Sunday, July 18
  • Monday, July 19
  • Tuesday, July 20

UCC News Director Connie Larkman encouraged Synod enthusiasts to do two things now:

“Every two years, we try to bring Synod to the wider church though news coverage,” Larkman said. “We always report the hard news — the resolutions, elections, bylaw changes and all the important Synod business. But we also try to capture the flavor of the event — workshops, worship, youth activities, service projects, speeches and more. This year we hope to describe ‘special edition’ aspects of Synod, and how being online for the first time affects things.”

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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