Shooting at Catawba College leaves four wounded, one dead

Four students were wounded and another killed during a shooting on the campus of UCC-related Catawba College in Salisbury, N.C. Darris Morris, a senior from Batesburg, S.C., was killed following an altercation with students from nearby Livingstone College. Six Livingstone students have been charged in connection with the shooting.

In the aftermath of the shooting, the Rev. Ken Clapp, chaplain and senior vice president of Catawba College, has been working nonstop offering pastoral guidance.

“I have been caught in the blur of counseling and helping our grieving students,” says Clapp, “so much so that I haven’t had the time to grieve and process the shooting for myself. As with anyone, it’s just so hurtful and so disappointing.”

An altercation at a party on the Catawba College campus escalated as it moved outside near the gymnasium. Livingstone students were seen going to a vehicle on the street nearby. Reportedly, at least one of the students pulled out a handgun and began firing. Catawba College security exchanged gunfire with the students, with one of the assailants sustaining a superficial wound to the head.

“Students from rival schools routinely rile each other,” says Clapp. “I just never expected something like this. I think kids see so much violence, and the people that get shot on TV [shows] get back up. I think this will make them realize that there are consequences. This young man didn’t get back up.”

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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