Sacred Votes, Sacred Voices: Standing at the Crossroads for Trans Rights and Justice
“Voting is a civic sacrament.”
Rev. Theodore Hesburgh’s words remind us that voting is not just our responsibility as a citizen, but a sacred act. Voting is one of the ways that we participate in creating a just world for all. As we approach the upcoming election season, the importance of engaging with the electoral process cannot be overstated. The intersectional nature of voting brings many important issues to light. Trans rights is one of those issues whose protection or destruction will define the very soul of this nation. As legislative efforts across the country target the Trans community, especially Trans youth, we must use our voices and votes to stand up for the dignity and rights of all people.
The Current Landscape
Since January 2024, politicians across the country have introduced 638 anti-Trans bills and passed 45. In Ohio, legislators overrode the governor’s veto to pass the first anti-Trans bill this year. Like many others, this bill targets Trans youth by restricting their access to gender-affirming healthcare and limiting their participation in sports. The fact that Ohio’s legislature overrode a gubernatorial veto to pass such a harmful bill highlights the ignorance and hate that dominates chambers of power and exposes the depths that elected officials are willing to take to harm the marginalized. Clearly, we need electoral engagement to properly stand on the side of the marginalized. This is a political and moral issue.
Ohio is the home to the headquarters of both the United Church of Christ and the Open and Affirming Coalition, meaning this bill hits close to home. As people of faith, we are called to love our neighbors and to seek justice for the marginalized. The attack on Trans rights is an attack on the fundamental principles of equality and human dignity that we hold dear.
The Power of the Vote
Our vote is a powerful tool to effect change. It is a way to hold our elected officials accountable and to ensure that the voices of the marginalized are heard. However, voter suppression efforts, particularly targeting communities of color and LGBTQ+ individuals, are on the rise. These efforts seek to silence vulnerable populations, making it even more critical that we show up at the polls and encourage others to do so as well.
For Trans individuals and their allies/accomplices, voting is a way to push back against the tide of discrimination and to support candidates who are committed to protecting the rights of all people. Voting Trans individuals and allies into our legislative bodies is an opportunity to advocate for policies that promote inclusion, equity, and justice. By casting our ballots, we help shape a future where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
Join the Conversation: September Gathering
The fight for justice doesn’t end with the election. It is ongoing, and we must remain vigilant and active. This September, the Open and Affirming Coalition will host its National Gathering in Cincinnati, Ohio, from September 18-22. The theme, “Resistance and Persistence: Hope Reigns,” will center on the pressing issues of our time, including the ongoing assault on Trans rights.
This gathering will be an opportunity to come together, learn, strategize, and pray as we confront the challenges before us. We invite you to join us in Cincinnati, where we will discuss these critical issues and explore ways to mobilize our communities for justice and equity. The goal of this gathering is to be a powerful and transformative event.
A Prayer for Justice and Equality
Loving, creative, and encouraging God. Our hearts are filled with hope and determination as we pray for the strength, courage, and wisdom to stand up for what is right. Although we face adversity, please grant us the boldness to use our voices and our votes to advocate for justice and equity for all people – especially our trans siblings who are constantly under attack. Let our words and deeds reflect your love and commitment to the dignity of all. Please guide us in our work of creating a world where all people are treated with the respect and the compassion they deserve.
As we move through this election season, please help us renew our commitment to justice and equality. Help us remember that our actions in and out of the voting booth have the power to shape the future. Amen
Rev. Derek Terry is the Program Director for the Open and Affirming Coalition and Pastor at St. Peter UCC Cincinnati, OH. You can reach him @RevDerekTerry on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook.
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