Rev. de Bardelaben-Phillips tapped as transitional executive for Love of Church unit

In a memo to United Church of Christ staff on Tuesday, June 4, the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson, general minister and president, shared that the Rev. Bentley de Bardelaben-Phillips was asked and accepted the call to serve as the transitional executive for Love of Church unit for the next year to 15 months. His appointment begins on June 17.

As the transitional executive, de Bardelaben-Phillips will serve in an interim role with limited responsibilities for the unit. Team leaders will report to him, and he will assume some of the day-to-day operational responsibilities for supervising Love of Church leadership and staff. He will continue to serve as the minister and team leader for Education for Faithful Action during this time.

Thompson said, “I am grateful to Bentley for his willingness to serve through this time of transition as the search committee is prepared and charged to bring a candidate for nomination by the UCCB and approval by the General Synod.”

Rev. de Bardelaben-Phillips is up for the challenges of the role. “I am deeply honored to have been asked to transitionally serve my beloved denomination in such a vital way. I respect Karen Georgia’s leadership and trust in her vision for the future of the UCC. I look forward to assisting her in implementing that vision while in this role, as well as when fulfilling my other duties as minister and team leader for the Education for Faithful Action Ministries team.”

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