UCC minister part of Pope Francis’ welcome crowd at White House

A United Church of Christ minister is helping the White House welcome Pope Francis on his historic visit to the United States. The Rev. Chuck Currie has been invited to attend the arrival ceremony for the Pope at the White House on Wednesday, Sept. 23.

Currie, a long-time advocate for social justice, and director of the Center for Peace and Spirituality and chaplain at Pacific University, was invited by the White House earlier this month to join President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama in welcoming Pope Francis to the country. The pontiff, making his first trip to the United States since becoming the world leader of the Catholic Church, will address Congress before visiting Philadelphia and New York City.

“It is obviously a great honor to be able to attend this historic event,” said Currie. “I have enormous respect for Pope Francis, his welcoming inclusion of all, and his work to bring about peace, economic equality and support for the environment. It is a special gift to be able to represent Pacific University at this gathering.”

Prior to the ceremony, Currie presented a sermon, “The Unity and Disunity of the Church Universal,” on Sunday, Sept. 20, at Ainsworth UCC in Portland, Ore., which focused on Pope Francis’ visit to the United States and how people from different faith traditions can find common ground.

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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