Faith expressed freely: Statement on congressional response to Bishop Budde

Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson offers the following statement in the wake of the House of Representatives drafting legislation condemning the message of Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde at the National Prayer Service.

Three Care Practices for Thriving Through

Thriving through this moment is possible and we’ll find our way through together with God’s help. Our Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries team will be with you every step of the way ushering love through alongside you.

Bring Hope to California Fire Survivors

When disaster strikes, the United Church of Christ responds. Your generosity will make a difference as 100% of your donation will go directly to disaster relief efforts. Together, we can show God’s love in action.

General Synod 35 Registration is Open!

Go into the deep and register now for General Synod 35 in the barbeque capitol, Kansas City, Missouri.

People’s Prayers for Peace

General Minister and President, the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson calls the church into a season of prayer centered around ending violence in any manifestation and bringing about peace. Learn more about People’s Prayers for Peace and share a prayer of your own.

Find a welcoming church near you.

You’ll find a broad range of cultures and styles in our united and uniting church, and there is a place for you. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

Daily Devotional

Created by the Still Speaking Writer’s Group by The Pilgrim Press, the Daily Devotional grounds our daily faith.

Daily Devotional for Small Group Discussion: Make Yourself Useful

Discussion Questions  1. Is there a leadership role in worship you have never tried but are interested in experiencing?  2. When you are gathered with others for worship, whether online or in person, how do you feel like your presence…

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Action Alerts: Help Us Make Meaningful Change

Protect Lifesaving Foreign Aid

In addition to ending access to asylum and refugee resettlement programs, President Trump has frozen U.S. foreign aid for 90 days, forcing aid workers to make impossible decisions on whether to obey the order or keep providing live-saving, critical services to people in need. Urge Congress to oppose this decision to turn our backs on the most vulnerable of God’s children.

Support Survivors of Human Trafficking

There is an estimated 27 million of God’s children around the globe experiencing human trafficking. Join us in urging Congress to re-introduce the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act to ensure funding for prevention efforts and survivor support services.

Say NO to Xenophobic Immigration Policies

President Trump has signed or is poised to sign multiple executive orders mentioned in his Inaugural Address that punish immigrants all while wasting government resources. We believe that all people, including immigrants, are made in the image of God. Tell President Trump Christians oppose these proposed policies today! 

Join The Movement

The United Church of Christ invites you to participate in the Join the Movement Campaign, a three-year initiative that recognizes local churches’ works towards racial justice. Together, we can advocate for all people to live without acts of violence or structures and systems that harm God’s human creation.


Environmental Justice

From the birth of the environmental justice movement in the 1980s to the local ministries of churches throughout the country today, the United Church of Christ has been making a profound difference in caring for God’s creation. Learn more about our history, program, and resources.

Get Involved: Join Us for an Upcoming Event or Training

Explore Local Church Resources:

Worship Ways

Original liturgies written in English and in Spanish by United Church of Christ pastors, based on readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. 

Sermon Seeds

A worship preparation resource with Lectionary text and corresponding reflections. Seeds also Include prayer and focus questions for discussion.

Manual on Ministry

A guide and perspective for shared expectations in the essential ministry of Committees on Ministry.

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Our Church in Action

Doing justice, seeking peace and building community are central to the identity of the United Church of Christ. Our actions to create and foster economic, environmental and racial justice are rooted in the teachings of scripture and the policies of our General Synod. United in Christ’s love, we seek justice for all.

Recent UCC News from Around the World

Global Reach: Love of Neighbor

The Love of Neighbor Ministries of the United Church of Christ, and its affiliate Global Ministries, supports congregations and other settings of the church in developing relationships with a wider church that is global, diverse, multiracial and multicultural, open and affirming, and accessible to all.

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Through inspired generosity, together we will build a just world for all.

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