November 4, 2018: For the Love of God, Vote! Sunday

For love of neighbor…

                For love of creation…

                                For love of children…

                                                                For the love of God…


On Sunday, November 4 it is time for us to use our voices to lift up voting and the importance of participation in our civic life as an expression of our faith. Incorporate worship resources from the Vote Faithfully Sunday Toolkit to create space for prayerful discernment and commitment to community. This can be done by encouraging members of your congregation and community to commit to casting their ballots on Election Day, November 6 and then placing a pledge card in the offering, as an offering of their voice.

Every voice is important, every voice matters!

“Politics is often taken to be a dirty word. But political processes are simply the way communities of people organize their common life, allocate their resources and tackle shared problems. For people of faith, public policy is never merely politics, merely economics. It is one way we try to plow the biblical vision of shalom into the soil of our history.” The Good Samaritan, the United Church of Christ and Public Policy

There are many ways to make the biblical vision real. Take part in the public dialogue and exercise your right to vote!

To find worship resources for the Sunday before Election Day, November 4, go to

Categories: Column Our Faith Our Vote: Blog

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