JPANet February 2008 Newsletter
Measure up!
Rule Out Debt to Fight Global Poverty:
Thanks to the pressure you put on your members of Congress last fall, 19 Senators and 94 Representatives signed on as co-sponsors of the Jubilee Act – the most important piece of debt legislation in the past seven years and it is one of the most widely supported anti-poverty bills in Congress. In 2008, Jubilee USA is launching the Measure Up! Rule out Debt! campaign, calling on Congress to measure up to our national commitment to address extreme poverty by ruling out debt as a contributing factor. The goal of the Measure Up! campaign is to gain more co-sponsors for the Jubilee Act in the House and Senate and achieve passage before the end of the legislative session.
Jubilee Sunday, April 13:
Jubilee Congregations will be using this day to examine how their faith connects with issues of economic justice and to take action to pass the Jubilee Act. View Past Jubilee Sunday Materials
Want to speak truth to power?
REGISTER NOW for Ecumenical Advocacy Days!
March 7-10, 2008 Washington, D.C.
Please join us for the sixth annual Ecumenical Advocacy Days conference. Our theme, “2008: Claiming a New Vision of Security”, will guide and inspire this gathering of over 1,000 religious advocates. Come learn how to be an advocate for the issues you care about.
Details and online registration
Book your hotel ASAP to lock in our special conference rate!
Please share this information with your local women’s shelter:
The 1st World Conference of Women’s Shelters is now only 7 months away and fast approaching. We are looking forward to meeting and learning from delegates who will be presenting interesting and innovative practices from all around the world.
Deadline for submission of presentations is: February 8, 2008 – just a month away! This will be an amazing opportunity to share your knowledge with a wide international audience comprised of staff from women’s shelters, those working in the field of family violence and the academic community. Please consider sharing your stories, your knowledge and your ideas – either a presentation for a workshop or panel setting or a shelter showcase using narratives and pictures. Your presentation can be submitted online or printed and mailed.
Witness for Justice
Tired of reading Op-Ed pieces that don’t support your opinions on issues which matter to you? Are you looking for faith and justice commentaries formed out of our nation’s social ills? Then check out the latest JWM’s Witness for Justice Articles by clicking onto this link:
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