Celebrating the work of UCC Disabilities Ministries

disability-ministries.jpgWith two previous General Synod resolutions and more than a generation of working towards inclusion for all, the United Church of Christ paused for a moment during the 2015 biennial General Synod to review some accomplishments.

The participants then acknowledged that more work remains.

Celebrating the work of the UCC Disabilities Ministries, the Rev. Jeanne Tyler and the Rev. Lynda Bigler reminded delegates and visitors that our calling as a church is to be welcoming to all.

“Our calling is to live life faithfully to that call,” Tyler said.

Noting that many churches often create physical and personal barriers to including the differently-abled, Rev. Lynda Bigler offered a “Top Ten” list to assist churches in evaluating their accessibility. Items included providing rides, “22-point type” for bulletins, and inviting persons with disabilities to participate in leadership positions.

“If you forget, find the UCC Disabilities Ministries,” Bigler said.

“We’ll help you out.” 

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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