JPANet September 2019 Newsletter

September Newsletter

Getting to the Root of It

Getting to the Root of It

We’ve asked UCC advocates to help us unpack the complex justice issues that we’re working on. This month the Rev. Michael Neuroth, UCC International Policy Advocate, helps us prepare for Just Peace Sunday 2019.


The Earth Shall Mourn – Just Peace Sunday 2019
On Sunday September 15th, many of our churches will observe Just Peace Sunday.The theme for 2019, “The Earth Shall Mourn,” is based on the lectionary passage in the book of Jeremiah, chapter 4 verses 11-28.  In this chapter, Jeremiah writes a warning to the community using dramatic, apocalyptic imagery (Read more).



Justice Events

World Council of Churches Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel

 “Humanity and equality in God’s creation” is the theme for this week of education and prayers focused on building a just peace between Palestine and Israel. The dates are September 15th-27th which includes the international day of peace on 9/21. Worship resources and reflections are available here.

Twitter_Just_Peace_black_bckrd.pngJust Peace Sunday is September 15th – “The Earth Shall Mourn”! 

As we look at the state of our world in 2019, we mourn our failure to address the climate crisis we have created for future generations. Let us take time to lament, but also listen to voices of indigenous peoples and youth leading us toward a more just and peaceful connection with the Earth. Worship and educational materials are available here.  


Join the Global Climate Strike! – September 20

Throughout the 2018–2019 school year, young people around the world organized massive school climate strikes to demand that the world’s leaders take immediate action to address climate change. The strikes started first in Sweden, then spread throughout the European Union and around the world. Inspired by these bold youth-led actions and motivated by the increasing urgency of the climate crisis, starting on September 20, the students who have been organizing the weekly climate strikes are launching a major strike and week of actions. To find a strike near you click here. To learn more about the strikes, join an interfaith webinar on September 10 click here.

Days of Prayer and Action for Columbia – Sept 20-23

With the recent news of a possible return to arms in Colombia, now is a critical time to stand in solidarity with partners in Colombia that work for peace amidst grueling violence. These churches ask partners in the U.S. to join them in this year’s Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia (DoPa), “Let’s Make a Pact for Peace!” Hundreds of faith communities in both nations will dedicate part of a worship service this weekend as together we pray and work for a just peace in Colombia. Information and materials are available here.

Save the Date for Ecumenical Advocacy Days – April 24 – 27, 2020

Around the world, the most marginalized communities disproportionately affected by hunger, poverty, and the structural history of colonialism and racism are experiencing the impacts of the climate crisis most profoundly. Women and children in these communities suffer the most. EAD 2020 will explore the intersection of climate change and economic injustice. This will galvanize our advocacy on behalf of policies and programs to chip away at the systems of oppression that keep people in poverty and push all life on earth to the brink of destruction. Join us at EAD 2020 to imagine and advocate for an Earth and its people restored.

Justice in Action

UCC Mental Health Justice

Join the movement for mental health justice in the United Church of Christ as we live into our covenant voted at the 2015 General Synod to be WISE (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive and Engaged)for mental health. The WISE program helps our congregations become places where we end stigma and show support for people impacted by mental health challenges, brain disorders and addictions. The UCC Mental Health Network is hosting a WISE training for lay members and clergy on November 2 at Church of the Beatitudes UCC in Phoenix, AZ. There is a bonus day Nov. 1 for certification in Mental Health First Aid. Click the link to learn more and register.

Justice Resources

Witness for Justice
Looking for up-to-date social justice commentary? Check out Witness for Justice, a weekly editorial opinion column written by the staff of Justice and Witness Ministries.

The Pollinator

The Pollinator is a digital platform of the UCC for the sharing of ideas and inspiration. Its focus is the building of a faith-filled and faith-rooted movement for the care of creation.

Featured topics:

Love is Justice Embodied | Finding Freedom Among Wild Things | It’s Raining | “Why don’t they go back?” | Shall we Gather at the Table?

Categories: Column Justice & Peace Action Network Monthly Newsletter

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