Purrfect Project Pleases Pets

dogs.jpgIn a special service project at their General Synod this weekend in Baltimore, members of the United Church of Christ are making a few extra Best Friends.

The Church has partnered with Best Friends Animal Society, a Utah-based animal sanctuary which promotes no-kill shelters and encourages pet adoptions with a nation-wide network of local animal shelters.

“I have never seen a service project for pets,” says Synod local arrangements chair Jill White. Synod guests were asked to bring toys, food, and other supplies for Baltimore-area furry creatures. Or, church members throughout the country could mail items or financial support directly to the organization.

At the Best Friends Service Project booth in the Synod exhibit hall, Jen Viglucci reports supplies delivered to the convention center will be distributed to the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter (BARCS), Cat Rescue of Maryland, and Dogs XL Rescue. Gifts so far include two huge boxes of toys, treats and food for cats and dogs.

Supplies will be collected through the end of Synod on July 4.

Tim Kershner, celebrating his 13th Synod as a newsroom volunteer, is associate vice president of marketing & communication at Centenary College of Louisiana.

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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