Resisting Apartheid: Promoting Justice and Planting Olive Trees


In 2021 and 2022, major human rights organizations such as B’Tselem, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International have documented and named Israeli practices and policies as Apartheid. Palestinians, including some Disciples and UCC partners such as the Joint Advocacy Initiative…

World Refugee Day Ecumenical Worship Service


June 20 is World Refugee Day. UCC Refugee and Migration Ministries, in collaboration with the Presbyterian Church USA and the Disciples of Christ, will host a live, ecumenical online worship service June 1 at 2 p.m. (Eastern), then make the…

Witnesses with the World’s Workers


Join us as we hear the testimonies of Union Workers and workers in the “informal” economies of the world. We will be joined by leaders representing informal economy workers in Zimbabwe, migrant workers, union workers, and more. Learn key ways…

Planning Your 2023 Volunteer Service Trip


Volunteer Service Trip...Mission Trip...Work Trip... Traveling to places in need to perform hand's on service is a long tradition in the United Church of Christ. With Covid restrictions waning, this fall is the right time to start planning your 2023…

Celebration of Harvest and Ministry in Yunnan Province, China


Join the East Asia and Pacific office and representatives of Yunnan Provincial and Baoshan City Christian Councils as they discuss local harvest traditions and highlight social service and ministry programs serving the prevalent minority communities of this mountain province in…

Gift Giving and Worker Justice


Learn ways you can give gifts AND participate in establishing just wages and worker safety standards for migrant workers and building the wealth of small business owners internationally and nationally. Milk with Dignity/Migrant Justice and Equal Exchange will provide ways…

Migrant Sponsorship: Responding to the Heartbreaking Emails


UCC Refugee & Migration Services will be speaking about the new, specialized migrant sponsorship processes, why they evolved, and why they're resulting in a flood of heartbreaking e mails from migrants around the world in your local church inbox. Guests…

War in Ukraine and Our Church’s Response


When Russia invaded Ukraine in February, 2022, members of the United Church of Christ were exceedingly generous in offering support for people affected by the war.  In the past 13 months, more than 15 million people in Ukraine have been…

A Palestinian Christian Reflection on the Meaning of Easter


In the week following Western celebrations of Easter, and during what is Holy Week for Orthodox and some other Eastern Christians, Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac will share his understandings of the journey to Easter -- Palm Sunday, Last Week, the…

Becoming an Immigrant Welcoming Church


Just as ONA, WISE, and Willing to Respond are standardized designations across the life of the UCC, we are working to expand the Immigrant Welcoming Church (IWC) designation. Please join us for a conversation on becoming an IWC church, and…

People on the Move


The number of people forcibly displaced from their homes and communities is at an all-time high, now over 100 million people worldwide, and continues to grow. Due to violence and conflict, natural disasters, climate change and other social, political, and…

Gaza Today: Perspectives from Palestinian Christian Partners


As Israel’s war on Gaza continues, more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in the past seven months, many more are injured, and thousands are unaccounted for. Most of the 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza are suffering starvation, desperate for…