UCC Issues Appeal in Response to Winter Storms
The United Church of Christ is issuing an appeal to assist people affected by this year’s Winter Storms.
The impact of massive and intense storms is being felt across a wide swath of the United States. So far Texas has been particularly hard hit, and the situation there is terrifying.
All counties in Texas have been affected. Snow, freezing temperatures and slick roads have made movement difficult. Power outages, boil water orders, potable water and food shortages, and bursting water pipes as temperatures finally rise are causing widespread havoc.
“People are cold and trying to figure out water damage and how to get it fixed,” said the Rev. Campbell Lovett, South Central Conference’s interim conference minister. People’s food has spoiled during the power outages, and lines at grocery stores extend out the door and around the block.
As the tragedy continues to unfold, a number of UCC congregations are opening up warming centers and distributing emergency food and water. The conference has reached out to all its churches to inquire about damage and the needs of their ministries.
The impact of winter storms is being felt well beyond Texas. For example, in North Carolina, New Brunswick was slammed with a category F3 tornado.
UCC Disaster Ministries, Global H.O.P.E. Team are working with leaders in the impacted communities. The current and ongoing needs include support for shelter and food, clean-up, and repair. In addition, these communities will need Emotional Spiritual Care.
How you can help
Pray for the communities impacted by the storms.

You may also make a gift by mailing a check made payable to the United Church of Christ, to 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115. Please be sure to note Winter Storms on your check in the memo section, or in an attached letter.
Your support will enable the United Church of Christ to provide technical support, emotional and spiritual care, Kits and Cleanup Buckets, and financial support to assist in the recovery process.