Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
But we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
They are brought to their knees and fall,
But we rise up and stand firm. – Psalm 20:7-8 (NIV)
Some trust in guns and some in bombs.
Some trust in police and some in courts.
Some trust in education and some in revolution.
Some trust in regulation and some in free markets.
Some trust in strength and some in intelligence.
Some trust in science and some in technology.
Some trust in nature and some in the universe.
Some trust in absurdity and some in death.
Some trust in the gym and some in hot yoga.
Some trust in bullet journaling and some in Botox.
Some trust in veganism and some in ketosis.
Some trust in beauty and some in excellence.
Some trust in perfection and some in order.
Some trust in hard work and some in luck.
Some trust in rules and some in discipline.
Some trust in chance and some in control.
Some trust in drugs and some in alcohol.
Some trust in food and some in sex.
Some trust in their jobs and some in self-care.
Some trust in compound interest and some in ten gallons of water in the basement.
Some trust in therapy and some in church.
Some trust in pastors and some in the bible.
Some trust in family and some in friendship.
Some trust in themselves and some in no one.
Some trust in time and some in progress.
Some trust in tradition and some in freedom.
Some trust in belief and some in action.
Some trust in reason and some in humanity.
God, I have placed my trust in so many things. Teach me to trust in you.

Vince Amlin is co-pastor of Bethany UCC, Chicago, and co-planter of Gilead Church Chicago, forming now.