The Whole Truth
“When the Companion comes, whom I will send from the Father—the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the Father—he will testify about me. You will testify too.” – John 15:26-27a (CEB)
The most powerful memorial services I’ve attended included truth-telling about the person’s life. I’m not talking about the stories where we only share the parts where they become the hero. I’m drawn to the whole epic journey: the call and the inevitable refusal to follow, the tests and trials, the allies and loved ones accumulated, and the eventual return home or road to redemption.
When we testify to a life with the Spirit of Truth told in love, their story points to Christ’s love uniquely revealed through that person. Christ’s love leaves space for mistakes made and grace received. Christ’s love understands that some wounds take will longer to heal than a singular lifetime. Christ’s love is greater than one individual and evokes the communities that shaped them and the ones that will carry their legacy.
I’ve witnessed this in stories told about a man who struggled as a father but who showed up fiercely for his grandchildren. I’ve heard it about the church member who was a hard-headed, uncompromising committee member but whom the congregation’s commitment to justice can be traced back to the tables she sat at. I’ve cried hearing about the curmudgeon who turned their grumpiness into gratitude during their final season of life.
We proclaim that Christ’s love includes love for our whole selves—even the parts we wish could be ripped out and never told again. How might Christ’s love take hold of us if we dare to testify to the whole story of our lives?
May we tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in love, so help us God.

Liz Miller serves as the Designated Pastor of Granby Congregational Church, UCC and is the author of Only Work Sundays: A Laidback Guide to Doing Less while Helping Your Church Thrive.