Oh Baby!
Let those who desire my victory shout for joy and be glad. Let them say evermore, “Great is the Lord, who delights in the success of God’s servant.” Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness and of your praise all day long. – Psalm 35:27 (NRSV, adapted)
There used to be a boy in the park outside my apartment window, a teenager, lanky and brown, hair streaked Smurf blue, feet as big as his skateboard. He’d come every day and wreak havoc on the soft bricks of the sidewalk as he tried to nail a fancy move.
It always eluded him. He’d keep flying up, falling off, and screaming bloody murder. He’d try again, miss again. With every miss, the board would hit the sidewalk with a hard slap, sharp as the report of a rifle. He missed a lot. Slap, slap, slap.
Every day, my terrorized cat fled to a cardboard box in the closet. I’d be trying to write but couldn’t concentrate. I’d go to the window and watch him, tempted to shout at him to go away. I admired his persistence, but he annoyed me.
Then he pulled it off. He did it, cool and elegant and clean. He ran a hand through his electric hair. “Oh baby,” he shouted, “baby, baby, baby!”
At the window I was cheering, grateful to have seen it, that perfect move, the nailed landing, the flash of his jubilant grin as, in his mind’s eye, the anthem played, and the gold was looped over his head.
I often think of him, and when I do, I think of God’s glee when, after countless hard landings, we finally nail it too. When even once we get life right.
Watch us with patience and encouragement as we practice life, O God. Exult with us when we get it right.

Mary Luti is a long time seminary educator and pastor, author of Teresa of Avila’s Way and numerous articles, and founding member of The Daughters of Abraham, a national network of interfaith women’s book groups.