Much-Needed Voices
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. – Psalm 107:2 (KJV)
So much public discourse is dominated by extreme voices. Outrageous expressions are the ones that get the most hits and the most likes and the most attention online. Internet platforms are not guided by what’s true but by what’s viral. And what goes viral most often is what is even more outrageous than the previous outrageousness.
Consequently, our U.S. Congress is often stymied by extreme voices that elevate rigid political ideologies over practical political compromises that could best serve the American people. And the recent horrific attack upon Israel by Hamas is yet another action perpetrated by extreme voices that do not serve the best interests of Palestinians or Israelis.
If there is ever a time we need to hear from the redeemed, it’s now. Not just voices of political moderation, but voices of spiritual redemption.
The redeemed are not given to any extremes except grace and mercy, because they believe their own lives have been saved with a price they could never fully pay themselves.
The redeemed eschew extreme judgements and condemnations because they are cognizant of their own sins and shortcomings.
The redeemed are not prone to indiscriminate violent retaliation for wrongs committed against them because the peace they have is founded upon the incarnation of love and reconciliation.
The redeemed are not blinded by partisan rivalries because they are committed to universal principles of justice that transcend religion, politics and nationality.
A wise person said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.”
Lord, thank you for your presence and power in our lives. Now use us to speak life to the tensions and conflicts that threaten our global community. Amen.

Kenneth L. Samuel is Pastor of Victory for the World Church, Decatur, Georgia.