Happy Are the Eyes
Turning to the disciples, Jesus said privately, “Happy are the eyes that see what you see. I assure you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see and hear what you hear, but they didn’t.” – Luke 10:23-24 (CEB)
You could do much worse with the gift of this day than to spend a few minutes giving thanks for the things you might never have expected your eyes to see or your ears to hear or your heart and mind to know.
Your same-gendered, legally certified spouse, for example.
That the vice president of the United States is a woman of Black and Asian heritage.
That fewer doors are closed to your children because of their identity, physical capacity, or neurodiversity.
The resurgence of the bald eagle.
Communities that have survived the pandemic and are alive with new purpose.
How many electric vehicles are on the road.
The medication that stabilizes your health and improves your quality of life.
That your grandchildren care deeply about the world.
A computer-slash-camera-slash-telephone that fits in your pocket.
A church that strives to welcome, affirm, celebrate, and empower all people.
An evolving sense of who God is, how much God loves you, and what “faith” means.
You get the idea.
Yes, our planet is on fire. White supremacy and all manner of evil and injustice continue to inflict pain and suffering, inequality and division. God knows we have far to go.
But in our hard and holy work to get there, in our reasonable impatience and justifiable rage, let us not forget to rejoice in how far we have come.
Despite everything, O God, may we let our hearts be happy in your mighty works.

Vicki Kemper is the Pastor of First Congregational, UCC, of Amherst, Massachusetts.