Freedom from Religion
Jesus said to them, “Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were utterly amazed at him. – Mark 12:17 (NRSV)
I’ve been wrestling lately with the (Sen. Lyndon) Johnson Amendment: the note written into the tax code of 1954 prohibiting churches from endorsing or opposing political candidates.
I can understand its merits. A church that serves as a mouthpiece for a political candidate or party could effectively shame their flocks into voting “correctly” and launder gobs of dark money without paying taxes.
Jesus’s famous dictum seems to agree: keep God’s and the emperor’s stuff distinct. Is this the earliest call to separate Church from State?
But what if your would-be president leans toward fascism? What if the machine behind him is horrifying and dangerous and planet-wrecking? I plead with Jesus and the ghost of LBJ: does this not merit a church crying out as we enter a most important election season? Of course, my theo-political opposites say exactly the same thing about my “side.”
I asked some Daily Devo friends what they thought this scripture meant. Donna said, “Give Caesar what little he deserves.” Phiwa said, “Caesar’s face is stamped on the coin. God’s face is stamped on us. How do we protect that which is God’s?”
We created a country that honors freedom of religion—which includes freedom from other people’s religion. I land in the gymnastic position of wanting to preach my conscience, and also wanting Christianity to have less influence over politics. I don’t want crosses in my Capitol or bro Jesus photoshopped beside my President. I want Jesus right where he landed himself: outside the halls of power, calling out the rottenness of our systems, and calling us to remember that no matter who rules us, we belong to God.
God, help me know what Caesar deserves from me, and what You do. Amen.

Rev. Molly Baskette is the lead pastor of First Church Berkeley UCC and the author of books about church renewal, parenting, spiritual growth and more. Sign up for her author newsletter or get information about her newest book at