Do Something
For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead. – James 2:26 (NRSV)
Howdy armchair activists! I’m talking about all you people who read a ton of news articles and share a gazillion Facebook posts and sigh and kvetch and preach to the converted but never get around to actually… changing the world.
I’m looking in the mirror here. At least some of the time. I get tired of protesting and phone calling and writing letters to my elected officials, seeing only incremental change if any at all. I don’t really want to boycott that company because, truthfully, I like its products and it makes my life easier. I find myself slipping into a self-congratulating stupor, thinking that because I’m a regular churchgoer and I can articulate a searing rebuttal to the wrong position on every political, social and moral issue, that somehow I’m good with God.
Here’s the perilous truth: I am good with God. Grace and Martin Luther declare it.
But am I good with myself? Am I good with my neighbors? Am I good with the 94% of the world’s population who don’t enjoy my rights and privileges? And am I good with the Earth my mother?
The author of James doesn’t call our lackadaisical faith hypocritical or bad. He calls it dead. But we Jesus people know that death is not the last word. Animation to action—be it a random act of kindness for a stranger having a rough day, or a dogged determination to see important political progress through—makes our faith come alive again.
Faith faltering? Do something. Whatever you choose to do to resurrect your faith might or might not change the world. But it’ll definitely change you.
Dear God—actually, no time for words. I’m putting on my sneakers to go pray with my feet.

Rev. Molly Baskette is the lead pastor of First Church Berkeley UCC and the author of books about church renewal, parenting, spiritual growth and more. Sign up for her author newsletter or get information about her newest book at