Three Mothers, Three Fathers and a Bridal Fitting
“And here is the mind which has wisdom.” – Revelations 17: 9
E. was born to her biological mother when she was 13. E. was adopted, quietly, by a woman who had been adopted herself. That marriage later broke up. When E’s biological father left his marriage and remarried, E. got a new stepmother. Her adoptive mother remarried, so E. got a new adopted father. All of them came to her bridal gown fitting.
E. is a wise gatherer. She could be so disappointed in family so as not to bother. She is just the opposite. She is a wise woman, straight out of Revelation’s strange visions. Many adopted people don’t want to know or do want to know or can’t decide what they want to know. There is no right or wrong here.
Grace Lee Boggs wants to restore the neighbor to the hood. “People come and go without even waving to their neighbors as they leave their garage.” Some people are different. E. kept a family together and had fun doing it.
Reveal to us, O God, who our family is and what fits us best.

Donna Schaper is Senior Minister at Judson Memorial Church in New York City. Her latest book is Prayers for People Who Say They Can’t Pray.