The Power of Patience
Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. – James 5:7 (NIV)
“No mom. I can do it.”
Of course I knew it all at five. After relentlessly telling my mom I didn’t need her help brushing my teeth, she finally gave in. It took approximately 2.5 seconds for me to drop a huge glob of toothpaste on my new dress.
It was picture day, and she sent me to school with a smiling face and a huge white stain in the center of my chest.
My first school picture is my favorite school picture because it was my first real lesson in the wisdom of patience.
There are so many times I’ve looked at God’s presence in my life like I looked at my mother’s hand that day. I want God to just hand over my problems and let me figure out a solution. So many of us share the kryptonite of the “just let me do it” spirit.
In God’s Divine wisdom, perhaps She knows we need reminders to slow down and wait.
James told the early Church that there is reaping in the waiting. He explains farmers must spend just as much time planting as they do waiting – and both are equally important to the process of growth.
Maybe it’s time we slow down and let God have our toothbrush.
We might just hear a Word from on high. We might realize we should go left instead of right.
We might just realize how much wisdom can be found in the waiting.
Dear God, in a world that doesn’t stop moving, help me find peace in showing patience. Amen.

Marchaé Grair is a spiritual director, facilitator, and the Director of Public Relations and Outreach at the Unitarian Universalist Association. Follow her work at