No Longer . . .
“There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” – Galatians 3:28
Ladies and gentlemen, there is no longer male nor female in Jesus Christ. Please keep this in mind today in worship, as we read the Psalms responsively. Women, please read the first line of the liturgy; men the second. And when we get to the hymns, men you will sing the first and third verses, and ladies you take the others.
After worship we have our ministry groups. The women’s Bible study will take place on the 3rd floor. Men, yours is on the second. By the way, the women’s fellowship meets this Wednesday at 7pm. The men’s breakfast is Saturday morning.
A note about our upcoming congregational meeting; we will be electing new church officers. Please be advised that we will need four male deacons, and four female. And just a reminder, the moderator position rotates between a man and a woman every two years.
Parents, remember that the children’s choir is singing next Sunday. Girls should wear dresses. Boys, collared shirts and ties. We could also use some donated toys for the nursery. We have enough dolls and other girls toys now. Maybe some trucks or Legos for the boys?
One last announcement: our tenth anniversary celebration of our Open and Affirming vote will be next month. Don’t forget, no matter who you are or where you are, you are welcome…
Um, sir? I think you’re walking into the wrong restroom. That’s the women’s. Oh…sorry, ma’am…
Dear God, you told us to think outside the box when it came to so many things, including gender. Help us to take that seriously. Amen.

Emily C. Heath is Senior Pastor of The Congregational Church in Exeter, New Hampshire. She is a frequent Huffington Post blogger and a regular contributor to the UCC’s NewSacred.