There the angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire out of a bush; he looked, and the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed. – Exodus 3:2 (NRSV)
I’ve been living with this word in my prayer life for the past several weeks.
See the land on which you stand and know it to be Holy Ground. Take the sandals off your feet.
I’ve been trying to figure out what on earth to do with this word.
In places where it can be pretty ridiculous to stand without the protection of a strong sole. With thorns on the ground. When the entire environment around you feels unsafe.
If there’s anything in our story that might identify with Moses and the others trying to figure out what to do with the flames, the most faithful thing might be to:
Embrace the fire.
Maybe you’re trying to be like Jesus, which is worthy but risky. To be like Jesus, your face might be turned towards God’s future. Which automatically means that your neighbors won’t understand you. Which might mean that you will:
But before you get there, you would do well to know the difference between being consumed and being afire.
God has a witness for you to offer that might singe the folks around you.
Burn anyway.
Follow Jesus. Put your hand to the plough. It might singe. But you will be fine.
Burn for God’s message in you.
Dear God: may we burn with your love. Amen.

Kaji Douša is the Senior Pastor of The Park Avenue Christian Church, a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ, in New York City.