“God, your God, is immense and powerful and awesome. God doesn’t play favorites, takes no bribes, makes sure orphans and widows are treated fairly, takes loving care of foreigners by seeing that they get food and clothing.” – Deuteronomy 10:17-18 (The Message)
The Zulu word for God is Nkulunkulu, which roughly translates to “big-big.” Though I’ve known this word my whole life, until recently, I’ve never stopped long enough to recognize the wisdom embedded in that common word.
Deuteronomy, the book of reiterated laws, operates in the power of repetition. It repeatedly recalls the ten laws cast in stone to help people (re)engage them in various real and tangible ways for their current situations.
In this part of the world and at this particular time in history, we could certainly take a page or more from this book of repeats. We are in need of repetitions and reminders that God is not just big, but big-big!
Big-big enough to not be swayed by the privileges and random circumstances of one’s birth.
Big-big enough to rule without personal gain.
Big-big enough to fairly treat parentless children and people without economic stability.
Big-big enough to lovingly care for foreigners, making sure they’re fed and clothed.
Big-big enough for all of us to have what we need—and more!
Keep reminding us that you’re immense, powerful, and awesome, Big-Big God. Help us experience your abundance in all of who we are, so we don’t block others from your blessings. Amen.

The Rev. Phiwa Langeni is the Founder/Director of Salus Center (the first LGBTQ Resource & Community Center in Lansing, MI) and Pastor of Salus Center UCC & First Congregational UCC – Ypsilanti. They are a parent, speaker, writer, transitional coach, designer, and low-key fashion head.