Do not trust in rulers, in mortals in whom there is no salvation. When their spirits depart, they return to the earth, and on that day their plans perish. – Psalm 146:3-4 (Inclusive Bible)
How are you doing today? How am I doing today? How’s the world doing today? Did things go your hoped-for way? Are you feeling grief or relief? Elation or frustration? Resignation or determination? Inundated with disinformation? Taking flight or staying to fight? Filled with rage? Overflowing with love? All of the above?
Maybe your head’s pounding, in need of grounding. Some stillness for your soul in swirling surroundings.
Take a breath. Breathe. Breathe again.
Press pause on your spinning mind.
Then rewind.
Above all, let love be overflowing. Transform rage into courage. Resolve to stay involved. Buoy yourself with truth and curiosity. Bring relief to those filled with grief regardless of reciprocity. When all seems hopeless, hope more. Find others—siblings, sisters, kindred, brothers seeking salvation outside of any administration or party affiliation. Scrape away the rust of misplaced trust. Restore weary spirits, soften hardened hearts, heal wounded souls. Bring nourishing and flourishing; make us whole. Break through the chaos, Wise God, and teach us. Mortals will depart, both wicked and righteous. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust: It is God in whom we place our hope-full trust.
Faith-full God: You bring justice to the oppressed, give food to the hungry, liberate the captives, and lift up the beaten down. You love the immigrant, orphan, and widow as your own. You empower the righteous and stymy the wicked, calling them to repent. Mortal rulers will perish, but your reign is eternal. Amen. (based on Psalm 146:7-10)

Chris Mereschuk (He/Him) is an Unsettled Pastor based in Northampton, MA. He is the Founder of RevCJM, LLC Consulting & Coaching, specializing in vitality, transformation, and Legacy.